Chicken (Morgh) Schnitzel

by on October 14, 2010

Part one

Part Two

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Meg May 23, 2012 at 12:13 am

wow ! I can almost smell the entire dish, it looks so very good ! Love the decoration on top ! very nice !

KShar June 19, 2012 at 2:03 am

Thank you very much

Lilit June 22, 2012 at 3:43 am

K Shar!! I absolutely love your website. You are such an incredible teacher and I’m learning so so much from all of your videos. I’ve already made gormeh sabzi and fesenjan and nobody could believe I made it! They were delicious and I owe it all to you! Thank you!

I’m going one by one and trying all of your videos. For this one, can you please tell me what kind of cheese you add to the pasta’s cream sauce? And also, do you boil the spinach in saltwater? And still add salt later?

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