I have watched your cooking videos . I enjoy cooking a lot too . What you are doing is great . I wish you success and I hope you keep on showing more and more of your cooking . Thank you so much for all your efforts .
ba salam, javad jon, merci, for all your kind words. please keep in touch, as i love to hear from you. I am doing what i love, let me know if you are local, may be i could have you over for a session. keep it cooking my friend.
I would like to commission you to make Sholeh Zard.. I will even pay for it.. (send me the bill)………I tasted it as a child and never forgot the taste.. and haven’t tasted it again in almost 50 years. So if you make it… freeze it and overnight it to me I will prepay all the costs. It would be awesome to taste it the way you will make it. I believe you will make it the best way possible and it will taste out of this world. I see the love you put in to what you do… so it will be unforgettable. I will even video eating it.. LOL! …. The Best.
Fred jon, I do not recommend freezing shole zard, I have not done it before, have you? I think that it will not taste the same after you defrost it. But i will take care of you…………..soon.
Dear Mr. Kshar:
Thank you for wonderful recepies and floral arrengment.I am a very good cook my self and I made your lental with parsly it turn out very well , Instead of rice vinegar I used pomogranet vinegar.
Salam K Shar,
One of my husband Rezas favorite dishes is Bagali Polo. I have made it several times and it can be much improved I think. I just had found recipes online for those prior.
Might you have a video or even just a recipe I can follow for this one please? His other all time MAN favorite is Koobideh. I have tried this and failed each time….
Hi Debra, Iam going to make sure you get the video for Baghli Polo, seeing you trying to cook all these differennt recipes motivates me so much, and I thank you for that. Now how do you want your baghali polo with lamb, beef or kitchen? I will try to release by the end of next month, we are all set with our weekly releases for few weeks as you know. But you will get it soon my friend. keep it cooking.
Sobh be kheyr K Shar
love the food and love how you show it in videos. Would you please tell me how to prepare khoreshe kangar. I don’t know what to use for Kangar I can’t find it here. I am so glad that you are here because there are so many other recipes I need to ask you how to cook.
Thank you and keep up your fantastic work
thank you Adeleh khanoom. i love kangar my self but i have not been able to find any here in u.s. if i do find it i will let you know. If you still want me to give you the recipe, please let me know. keep it cooking.
Salam KShar,
I was searching the net for adas polo and came across your video. I am since hooked on all your video and recipes. I am new to iranian food but I have learnt to enjoy it very much since I my iranian boyfriend introduced me to it.
Hi luck, you are adding too much lamb and not enough onion. I personaly dont add lamb to my kobideh, I do beef, but use meat with a bit more fat. grate the onion, but dont mix the juice with the meat, try it and let me know. we are scheduling the summer events now and toward the mid july we will be cooking out door. Faloodeh and my special summer juices, ice cream and much much more is coming up. stay tuned. merci
salam kshar,
i love your vedeos and how you explain the receipe step by step, i’ve learned alot from your vedeos, i’m learning persian cooking since my husband is persian, and there is this food i can’t find the receipe anywhere, my husband really likes it, it’s kufteh birenji, i hope i wrote that right. i’m wondering if you could make it sometimes. thanks alot and maybe some dessert receipes.
Hello nada , soon, it is a new DVD, traditional persion foods, kofte berenji ,is one of the dishes that I will be teaching in this DVD. I am sure that you among others would be very happy with this DVD. keep it cooking
Dear my friend
Thank you for your great vidios and your artistic fashion. I found lots of similarities with the spiration you have to look to the world with my own. I’m a literature student and doing my PhD in England and love the poetry. I do also love cooking which I have created a little sightation in facebook which you can check. while I was watching your Ash reshte I notice you also make your own Kashk. I do it as well but yet I doesnt taste similar with what I had in Tabriz. normally I cook the thick Dough with a pinch of salt. could you please let me know if you have other type of method in doing so? Thank you again.
With best wishes
Salam, I trully believe that I Had answerd your comment. I was out of the kitchen from June 6 tru July 6, but yours was the only one that i replied to while i was out of the kitchen. I had my staff do every thing to find your comment and I am glad that they could find it. I make the Kashk, by leaving them in some water over night and blend it the next day. Making it from scractch I have never done and I try to keep as simple as I can.
thank you so much for your videos, everything is just looking delicious and explanation is great! Being an Iranian myself, have made rice of course many times but yours, was something else. Could you please please make a video on how to make the rice from scratch with potato tahdig for those of us Armenians who can never make rice lol lol! , thanks so much ,will be waiting for your secrets and video. tx again
Thank you Monica, next time i will do it for you , but in the mean while, go to the tahchin video, there i have shown how to cook rice from scratch and i will make sure to do it again, keep it cooking.
Hey man, I like your videos. I’m going to start cooking Persian food. I really like the stews. And it’s really not that complicated. It does take time though, that’s all.
Couple questions:
1) You keep using that red Saffron sauce. What is that? Just water and saffron?
2) I like the complex carbs. What kind of rice are you using. Basmati? Would that taydig rice style work with Brown rice? I like the complex carbs.
I came here through the link in Iranian.com. This is the first time that I realized professional decoration at the level of high ranking restuarants could be applied in Persian food as well. I also like the way that you wear and present yourself though your accent is not a Persian accent, but it’s really attractive.
esme man Hanna hast va man to Soed zendegi mikonam. Az bachegi tanha boodam va az sale 15 salegi tanha zendegi mikonam, alan 23 salam hast. vali vakhti ke be yade madaram mioftan (motasefane dige baham nist..va hichvakht pedar nadashtam) hamishe dastpokhtesh yadame, va cheghadr ghazash khoshmaze bood. motasefane hitchvakt inja, to Soed, ketabe ashpazie irani peyda nakardam. faghad on ketabha ke be farsi neveshte shodan, va man balad nistam farsi bekhoonam. baram kheili sakhte. vali alan ke shoma ra peyda kardam enghad khoshalam ke faghad khoda midoone! dastetoon vaghan dard nakone!!! dirooz tachin ra dorost kardam va djatoon khali kheili khoshmaze shod! marsi, daston dard nakone. shayad nemidoonin cheghadr vaseye man shoma arzesh darim, ba vojoode in ke aslam nemishnasametoon, vali bekhatere in ke famil nadram vaseye man in safeye internete shome kheili arzesh darad. va har dafe delam baraye madram tang mishavad yeki az ghazahaye shoma dorost mikonam.
omidvaran ke shabe khobi dashtebashin va ozkhai mikonam agar farsim bade, vali omidvaram ke on chizha ke neveshtam motvajebashid.
salam hanna jon, to ba lotfe khodet be man dele man ra roshan kardi, khahesh mikonam bego agar man kari baraye to mitavanam anjam bedaham. to tanha nisti. man be dostani chon to va amsale to aftekhar mikonam. khahesh mikonam ba man dar tamas bash ke man ra khosh hal khahi kard. to ra mibosam. ghorbane to dokhtaram beram.
Dobare salam agha KShar
cheghadr khoshalam ke djavabam dadin =) aval fekr kardam ke saretoon kheili shologhe va bekhaterin shayad tool bekesheke djavabam bedin. vali mersi vaghan baraye djavabetoon va ke vakht baram gozashtin. mersi ke enghadr mehraboon hastin, bekhoda tanha kari ke mitoonin baram bokonin ine ke hitchvakht in safaro var nadarin! hamishe ba kare khobetoon va ghashangetoon edame bedin. in safe baraye man kheili arzesh darad, bishtar az in ke faghad yek safeye ghaza bashad. in safe baraye man, yek safeye khoshali hast, va ba in safe ehsas mikoonam ke tanha nistam. va omdivaram ke in chizha ra bedoonin.
I will write in English now because I know that my farsi is a bit weak and I really want to get my message to you and what I mean. your side means a lot to me, it’s more than one food side, I feel appreciation and joy for your side and I’m so glad it exists. it has helped me in so many ways, both in cooking and to preserve and maintain my culture. it is a bit hard keeping touch with your own culture when you are alone and have no family because the family is the primary source of culture. but by including your site, I feel that I have made a new connection to the Persian world. and this is what you have given me, and it warms my heart really. I am almost daily here at your side and I have cooked everything you have put out. I look forward to new features and updates from you, I joined your membership yesterday also so this should be really exciting to follow.
again, many thanks for your reply.
bebakhshid agar narahat shodin ke engelisa ra ghati kardam ba farsim, vali faghad khastam ke on chizha ke khastam motvaje beshavid, va bekhatere in ke farsim zaif hast vaseye man rahatar bood ke chanta chizha ra be engelsi benevisam.
bebakhshid ke dobare vakhetoon ra ghereftam, vali az ashnahitoon kheili khoshal shodam
mersi. dastetoon ra miboosam, va omidvaram ke shabe khobi dashtebashin
salam Hanna jon, so good to hear from you again and sorry for a late reply, have been very busy for last few days. Thank you for watching my site and I am so glad to be able to comfort you in any way. I am here and let me know if there is any thing I may do to improve the videos. keep in touch and keep it cooking.
I came across your videos by chance on you tube while searching for a Khoresht Gheymeh recipe. I was exposed to the Iranian culture in my 20’s and experienced some wonderful persian cooking. As I am now in my late 30’s my cravings for some of those wonderful dishes has intensified. I am now starting to gather ingredients so i can make some of these dishes for my wife and family to try. I live in an area of the county that doesnt have any middle eastern stores for shopping. Do you have any suggestions for shopping for supplies online? I am gonna try Khoresht Gheymeh this weekend and Khoresht Karafs and Ghormeh Sabzi soon after. The one thing i really miss is Torshi (mixed vegtable) do you have recipe for this or a video? Also Mint Sharbat. I love your presentations and overall love of the food that you make…it really comes thru in your videos.
Thank you cmn, I will ask my staff to release the torshi video soon, and i will also show you how to make mint sharbat. keep watching so you and I can keep it cooking.
salam kashar jan khaste nabashin khile mamnon az zahamati ke mikeshin man vaghean asheghe ashpazi kardane shoma hastaam faghat 1 khahesh azaton daram mishe lotf konin .tarze taheyea chand ghazayea rejimi va salem ro be ma neshon bedin man khodam va khile az dostam ke varzeshkar hastim vaghean asheghe ashpazi shoma hastim vali che heyf be khatere roghan va namake ziyad nemitonim en ghazaharo ziyad dorost konim .khile azaton sepasgozaram.
Hello Kshar, really enjoy your videos, thank you for taking the time and preparation of these colorful and garnished meals. Could you include soup and salad recipes as well?
All the best
Just wanted to thank you for your fine and excellent effort. You have done a fantastic job here and I hope you go from strength to strength.
Keep it up and thank you.
Thanx for your amazing vedio about noon o panir ,,, I am so happy to follow your way In cook because it’s fantastic and really professional way. Wish you good luck and we are always waiting your new ,,
dorood, the way you love cooking is just so adorable;
I was gonna ask you if u can teach some easy, though delicious recipes in your videos, since I’m a student and don’t have much time to spend on cooking LOLOL.
By the way I should say I’m a bit more professional in making kabab koobidehh ;-)…but I will try your recipe this weekend. I couldn’t find any shishlik and bakhtiari kababs in this page, can you put videos for the as welll. Appreciate in advance. and dar payan vaghean mamnoooonam ke in page ro ijad kardin,
Shad va salem bashid <3
Amir jon, I have not done shishlik and bakhtiari, I bet you are a amazing cook your self. let me know please, Most of the dishes i teach are under an hour. if you dont like to cook. I will show you a way to overcome that. how about it? tell me what you like the most. what is the main ingredient you like to use in cooking ? meat (what kine) veggie (what kind) may be I can put something together for you.Thank you my friend. keep it cooking. hahaha
THANK YOU DEAR AMANDA , for checking my site. good to have you. The herbs are taregon, mint, dill . By the way this site was made for you and friends like you, let me know if there is any thing i can do for you. keep it cooking.
Salam kshar-jaan,
having a persian colleague, I’ve visited Iran last march for the first time. Overwhelmed by the friendlyness of the open minded iranian people we learnt to love the persian food. Back in Germany for now two days we try to keep alive the feeling by cooking persian dishes – like your chicken tahchin. And it turned out to look and taste brilliant. My wife and me love to watch your videos – your gentle way of talking, the exact description of ingredients and preparing the food and your exquisite presentation – kheili kheili mamnoon for all of that. I write this over a glass of tea and some gaz we took with us from Esfahan :-)) . By the way: do you know how to make gaz? Is it possible to prepare this at home??
How nice to read your comment Matthias jon. So glad that you enjoyed you trip to Iran . Yes sir it is possible but hard, I will try to get together a good receipe of mine for gaz for you. do you like the one with alamond or pastichios. keep it cooking and keep in touch my friend. shab bekheir.
Matthias jon, I did look over all my recipes, askeded around and there was no recipes that I could show you or teach you to make gaz at home. I am so sorry , will bring you one when i go to Iran. lol. I wanted so bad to do this for you.
thank you for your effort. Please do not think about it any more – we will have enough gaz next time in Tehran. You made our experiments with persian cuisine turn out to be so successful and delicious – we have to thank you very very much. It is nice to read so many positive comments about your work on these pages – hopefully this will make you go on creating many more videos.
Merci for all,
Would you consider demonstrating a dish called “Lamb Mughlai?” It’s my understanding that it is an Indian (South Asian) recipie that was inspired in part by Persian and Turkic chefs living in India during their Mughal period. I know that almonds are used to make the sauce.
If there is a Persian version (a khoresh?) of this recipie, that might be fun to learn about and to compare with the South Asian version.
Stacy, dear you are one of the kind. These dishe is from different tribes,from south of Iran and have changed through generations, each tribes do their own version and call it differently. My version is like this, I wrap the leg of lamb with a thin layer of lambs breast and roast it in the oven or over open fire. I cook date and roasted chop walnuts and almonds with honey to top the lamb with, This is a very complicated process and i also some times add some pomorante juice to the mixture. This dish is rich in fat and suger and also taste.
You are great! i love watching your cooking video, as a Thai with Iranian husband you’ve made my life easier to cook for my husband. Please keep going i am waiting for more video’
My wife just cooked Baghali polo from your instructions and it turned out real good. We loved it. We want to thank you from bottom of our hearts for your effort and the valuable work that you do for Iranian (and also other nations) community. Good luck and wish you real success.
Shayan jon, you have a special place in my heart, I have learned froom you and truly love to hear from you. please give my regards to your wife and tell her that i appreciate you both.
Salam k shar jan how are you doing,K shar jan are you a proffesional chef or do you just do this for fun.and by the way your show has taught me many great recipes
I will promise you that i will have my staff to realease that video. we are booked through the hollidays but will do it soon. my salad oliveh is to die for. keep it cooking Ghazaleh jon.
Hi. I am not a good cook as it is not a long time I started cooking Persian. I made FESENJUN based on your video and I confess that it was the same as my mom.
Thanks for your hard work. I wish we could have a famous persian restaurant here in Milan too.
P.S: I would like to know about ABGOOSHT receipt too.
Rayhane Tabrizi
If it’s the “berian” I’ve heard of, it’s a dish special to Esfahan. It has meat that is ground multiple times (some people use beef or lamb leg, plus lung meat, but I could never handle the lung part). I believe cinnamon is added to the mix also. Once the meat is ground and cooked, you serve it in fresh hot bread like a wrap on sandwich. I watched my husband and his friends make it one time, and I saw a couple restaurants in Esfahan that serve it. Sorry I couldn’t be more specific on the recipe!
Salam sir,
Thank you so much for putting up lovely recipes.It’s hard to find food like this in the country but you saved me and i can learn to cook on my own thanks to you!
Tah-chi Polo
KShar, I really like your videos, thanks for doing this. My mom used to make Tah-chin polo with Saffron, yogurt and chicken. I tried it once and turned out soggy! I’d appreciate if you can post how to make Tah-chin with chicken. Thanks
Dear Kshar,
Dorood bar to va in hame zahmat va saligheh. vagheaan lezat mibaram ke inghadr samimaneh va ghashang barnameharo ejra miokoni. faghat agar ghabool koni va eshkali nadare yek pishnahad dashtam. agar baazi az karha ghablan anjam beshe masalan dar pokhte fesenjoon mishe gerdooharo ghablan khord koni va ya berenjha ghablan shoste beshe zamne barnameha kotahtar mishe va mishe dar zamane kamtar barnamehaye bishtari ro did. baz ham mamnoon khaste nabashi.
Aria jon, salam, thank you so much for your heart warming comment. Aziz,most of the friends who watch my videos want me to show how every thing is done, they are mostly non iranian, westerner and second or third generation iranian who do know much about cooking persion food and will email me later, i have tones of email from them asking for every thing in detail. I know it would be better if they were shorter, but i am trying to give what they want me to do. please tell me what you think. merci azizam
Cyrus jon, what part of Iran are you from? what do you mean, mosama, is either with bademjon, or kado, that is why i asked where you are from so i can do it right. Are you talking about the stew or by it self. give me a little more information so i can give you the right recipe. Thank you so much Cyrus, wish you a very happy 2012.
Kshar jan i am not from iran my parents were from there,but no it is chicken and it it called morghe which dtands for chicken mosama it has a walnut sauce ok kshar jan thank you very much
Good afternoon Kshar
I have watched most of your videos on youtube and I really like your food, I tried some of them and its so delicious
I have a small request:
I have been to Iran for 1 month and I have been in to some many people house for dinner/lunch, ALL of them they used to serve a thick tomato sauce with the rice as a side dish and it was so lovely, could you please tell me how do you cook that and what are the ingredients
Thannks alot
Dear Suzan, when were you in iran? if it was summer time and that is when eggplant are in season and it could have been eggplant stew. we do not serve just tomato sauce with rice. if you give me more idea of what else was in it, may be i can help you. Thank you for coming to my kitchen and keep it cooking. Merci!!!
I made Ghormeh Sabzi today. Since visiting your website and realising how easy it can be to cook Iranian dishes, I decided to make it once a week. I want to make the big Kooftehs. I think they are called Koofteh Sabzi, my daughter says it’s Koofteh Berenji. I don’t know, maybe they are both different!
Hi KShar, in the video where you cook Khoresht Gheymeh, you use for the potatos liquid saffron? Never seen liquid saffron before only “powdery” saffron. Might be a stupid question but I moved out recently and now I have to do my own cookings and I prefer Iranian dishes. Thank you for all the videos, manage to do pretty nice tahdig with your help. Keep up the good work!
salam Arvin jan, powder saffron is mixed with hot water at ratio of one to five. five being the water, gives you liquid saffron. Thank you for your comment and keep it up. keep it cooking.
I live in Australia, I am so very happy to find you! You’ve made my dishes testier and prettier, Thank you for all your beautiful videos! Please keep it cooking
Salam Kshar and thank you for all your cooking! It remained me the days almost 70 years ago when for several years I lived in Iran (Pahlevi, Resht, Gorgan, Teheran) with my parents… In looking some of your videos, I hoped to see how you cook a rice pilaf and make this delicious crust. Unfortunately, I could not find it. It was the most delicious meal – a serving of a pilaf with a piece of a crust on top… By the way, how do you call it in Farci – the rice pilaf and its crust?
Thanks again for a delicious site!
Thank you and so nice to get your comment. polo (rice) and tah-dig (crust). please note that rice pilaf is different than regular rice or basmati rice that i or we iranian make. please let me know if there is any thing i can help you with. I have a new DVD coming out soon that will show you different way to make rice with crust or tah-dig I should say. keep it cooking
salam Kshar jan,and thank you for all the job and love you invest in your work and foods.I enjoy very much watching you cooking. I am also interested to see how you do your khoresh Aaloo.
thank you and best regards
salam Reza joon, you want it with chicken or beef or meatballs, I will do it gladly, but I need to tell you that I am so busy with valentine and Norooz right now,of and i am also releasing a new DVD for Norooz, in spit of all that i will do my best, just tell me which one you want. keep it cooking my friend.
Thank you very much Kshar for responding my comment. I like it more with chicken and a will be happy to see how you do it but i respect and understand the job your doing for Valentine and for your DVD and wish you luck . just take your time and for sure i can wait till you have time for my wish.
Mahyar jon, there are some store on line . It depends on your where a bouts, if could not find it please let me know and I will buy what you need and will ship it to you. No worries my friend. Thank you for your kind words. keep it cooking. (in kitchen and in heart).
Dear KShar,….Thanks million for giving us steps by steps the best explanation of how to prepare so delicious Persian food…. I just love it and enjoy it at all the time…You are so good !!! Once I prepared Fasenjun from a book’s recipe, honestly there is no comparison between yours recipe and which I made from the book…. Yours recipe is wonderful, very good flavor and looks so beautiful…!!! I would like, one day you show us how to make Luxury Persian Rice for special celebrations, also from which part of Iran it comes this recipe….Best regards
Thank you so much, in My next DVD that is coming out in April, I teach how to cook rice. difference way from basic to Luxury, Please make sure you get the DVD, it will be very helpful, it is very detail and complete.
Salam Mr. KShar!
Do you already have a recipe for zereshk polo? Can you also show me how to make the chicken that goes with the zereshk polo? My favorite drink growing up was doogh and I loved eating lettuce with sekanjabin. Do you have those recipes??
Merci aziz!
Nope, I have no relation to her. But I can’t wait for the doogh video! One more request…can you show me how to make Nan-e Nokhochi?
Khayli Mamnoon Kshar
Good Day Mr. KShar,
Today while searching in Google recipes of persian food, I found your website by chance and some of your videos I’ve watched I just loved them a lot. I must say that it’s very rare nowadays to find somebody who loves to share with other people without asking something in return. Watching your video is like watching a dear friend who shares his knowledge with you. I really appreciated it !!
Do you have by any chance a step-by-step video which teaches how to cook rice with tahdig in a real iranian way? And if possible with ordinary rice? As I am living in Brazil we unfortunately don’t have the facility to find good quality rice as for example Basmati or iranian rice.
I thank you in advance and wish you all the best and lots of success in your path.
Sincerely yours
Walter R Monadjemi
What a nice site !
I was brought up in Iran and I love the food.
I enjoy watching your videos as I can sense in them and your dedication the kindness and friendliness of a country I remember fondly.
Brigitte (from France)
Salam agha Kshar,
you inspired me so much with your designs, thoughts and styles.
I’m a 24yrs old single leaving in Australia. I die for persian food as I was grew up there. I watched a few of your cooking videos and got up my chair and cooked a Kotlet which took me around 2.5hrs. But gotta say it was good. The way you instruct is very clear and easy to follow.
Id like to say what you are doing is great. Everyone should appreciate the time and effort you putting in this… I can understand that keeping up is not easy.
Glad to see still people are around who really care for our culture and more importantly for its future. You are definitely doing your part. I will be sharing this with all my young friends who dont know how to cook. Hopefully , we all can make a difference.
Dear Farzad. Thank you so much for your comment. I am trying and that is the best I can do and I appreciate it when friends like you motivate me. keep it cooking.
First !…..what you are showing people is amazing ! Not just the food,but the philosophy of ” doing with what you have and making life something you can appreciate because you are creative with what you DO have ! ” Such a wonderful lesson to those who are younger !
Second: I would love some of the long shirts you wear, what are they called ? Tunics?
Where might I find something like that ?
Third: Thank you for exampling to others such wonderful taste and finesse as you cook ! Its a wonderful model for others. Its how you illustrate to present things so they are pretty, how you clean up as you go, and also illustrating how to pay attention to details, so that everything turns out right, not over cooked, not burned, etc. Its showing how to ” take care ” rather than being ” care less.”
Such a great model ! Thanks ! You are a guy with true class !
Thank you so much Dear Meg. it is so wonderful to open my email and see one like yours. First and foremost, thank you for paying so much attention to detail like my cleaning and talking and etc. I respect the people who watch my videos and i make sure my action show that. Long long time a, I bought these two shirts from a store in California named I.Magnine. It has gone out of business since then.
wow, Thank you Amir jon, my DVD on Morab in coming out next month, have done all kinds of MOraba, but not Balang, it was not the season, morabay angor, anar and etc. keep it cooking.
About Kabab Koobideh comment too long for youtube.
“Salam, Hi i will write this in english because it will be easier to understand. I want to share a secret on a technique i use. The differens it will make in taste and handling and even in the looks is HUGHE! Ok here it goes, when youve finished mixing all of the ingredients in the ground beef and lamb you should heat up a teflon pan on the stove to very very low temperature. So low that you can hold your hand on it without burning yourself but. Ithen put in a chunk of your kabab mixture and massage it in the medium hot pan until it starts to change color from red to dark brown. If the pan gets to hot then lift it off the stove. You will now already smell the wonderful kabab smell. Just remember. While doing this, the pan should not be too hot otherwise it will coock the meat. You still want the meat to be raw. Doing this will heat up the tiny fat depos inside the grounded meat and while massaging it in the pan , everything will mix and blend evenly. Doing this have many benefits, 1 preparing the ground beef on the skewer or sikh will be like a dream. 2 the kabab will never fall off and will coock evenly without getting those typically holes on it while coocking. 3 The kabab will smell and taste like the best Iranian kabab in the world, it will just be so professional and out of this world. This technique is pretty advanced, it is a familiy secret and will take some practise to learn. Oh and one more thing. When your done with the ground beef after the heting n the pan. Put it in the fridge for a hour or 2. The fats will become solid and and making the actual kababs on he sikh will be a childs play. Cheers!”
My name is Letizzia (from Australia) I am Italian and married to Iranian Karaj man for 12 years we have best relationship. I have beautiful family in Iran and I have been there 4 times and I love all the food and culture and also brought back some nice traditional items including instruments.
I am learning how to cook thanks to your u-tube videos last week I made subzi and Kookoo and it came out fantastic. I also love your advice and the way you present yourself your presentation is very clear and good to understand.
When I went last time to Iran my partner’s aunty made stuffed olives with pomegranate but I forgot to ask her for the receipe. I would like to know if it’s possible for you to do a video on stuffed olives with pomegranates.
One day I will learn farsi but I do know some words and understand basic conversation. I think if you put a video for learning farsi I will learn very quickly because your teaching method is fantastic.
I hope to hear from you soon and God bless you Kshar.
Dear Kshar,
Very often when I watch your nice videos you have a little bottle where you have prepared a mixture of saffron.
Which quantity of saffron and water do you use do make an adequate mixture ?
Thanks in advance
All the best to you
P.S. : By the way I purchased your DVD of how to cook rice and appreciated it a lot. Looking forward to getting your next DVD.
Dear Walter, sorry for the late reply was out of the country for more cooking research. I have a section on rice DVD, just explaining how to make saffron water. If it is not clear, let me know I am at your service..by the way, my next DVD is coming out and it is a Kabob DVD, I also have an event on the web, Sunday at 2 p.m. love to have you join us. Thank you Walter.
salam aghaye kshar.
I want to tanks you for helping people how to cook. the first time I saw your video how to make bageli polo . I am learning day by day from your video. thank you so much
Salam! I love your cooking lessons. I’ve definitely done a lot more Persian cooking after finding you and my family is happy about it. So thank you!
Also I wanted to ask you if there is such a thing as torshie aloo. I’ve got a lot of aloo from my in-law’s garden and don’t know what to do with them. Also How to make torshie albaloo.
Hi Kshar! i’m a Filipino (Philippines) and i love Persian food and i loved it even more especially when i saw your videos on how to cook Persian dishes (with so much passion). i’d love to and i hope i can cook one of those dishes but it’s very hard to find all the ingredients here.
Anyway, continue to inspire us and we’ll be waiting for more videos from your site!
Because I live in Iran I cant see the videos.
But im so curious about it! I come from europe and moved to here. It would be so nice to learn to cook iranian foods! Is there a way that I can see videos or read the recepies??
I just found your website yesterday, and I have really enjoyed seeing your tips and methods. I’ve already watched about 6-7 videos. I’ve been married to a wonderful man from Esfahan for 11 years, and have traveled to Iran many times. I know how to make rice/tadeeg and most of the basic dishes, but they have always been “good” rather than “super.” Well, thanks to you, my rice and tadeeg were “super” today! I look forward to incorporating your tricks into my next batches of ghormeh sabzi and fesenjoon. And I can’t wait to try lettuce tadeeg. I appreciate that you often give us “choices” in certain steps, rather than being rigid with the recipes. Thank you so much for your sharing! Best wishes…
Dear KShar
I saw your fantastic YouTube video about koko sibsamini!
I’m cooking for thirty years but your methode fascinated me.
I tried it. it turns out exact ly as you did.
Thanks for sharing!
Cheers, Rezi from Canada
I am craving Halva! I looked around and found a recipe or two on the Internet, however, after I made it,it did not come out as smooth and silky as I remembered it. Please, any ideas?
We Love Your cooking and we post a link of your website to The largest Iranian business directory and single matching in the world.
Keep up your hard work
Thank you for the support. I am doing a book, fantastic book about Persian culture merging with modern culture. It is coming out in time for Norooz, I am giving it to organizations FREE to give to their supporter just for the cost of shipping. Let me know if you are interested.
Hope you are doing well, I have a question about saffron, your saffron is kind of red, can I ask how you make it, the one that I made is yellow even though I mixed it with hot water and let it sit for half an hour.
Hi KShar,
I came across ur website while searching for ghormeh sabzii and since then i loved every cooking video recipes, It’s great what you are doing and I wish you all the best.
Also is it possible to teach me Ash o Mast and how to make torshi please.
Welcome to my kitchen, Torshi, i have a DVD out which i show all kinds of torshi, please go to the product page, view it and see if you like to buy it. it is a complete DVD with good content. I am sorry that i can not give the recipe as it would not be fair to all those people who bought the DVD. As for Ashe Mast I will try to locate it on the site and will send it to you. Keep it cooking.
Thanks a lot, I will visit the product page for sure as I am new in your site,and many thanks for reply,cant wait for more recipes of persian cooking,they are nice indeed,regards from London,Best of luck!
Dear kshar, with regards, I am mother of three left Iran @ age twenty. I have been here for thirty seven years , I am not a good cook, I am thankful to you to show us step by step your great Iranian cooking. Beacause of you my children and Friends think I am a good cook. Hush…………. They do not know I learn it from you! Thanks AGAIN and again, god bless
Thank you so much Farideh khanoom. My pleasure, it is not because of me, it is because of you that you are where you are and who you are. Thank you for leaning on me and thank god for putting me on your path and blessing me with your trust. Keep it cooking and please keep in touch.
i would like a the most basic recipe on how to make garlic sauce for kebobs and shawarma, the most basic ingredients and the steps how to prepare it. it would really help if you could show us how to cook it as well. Thank you sir and more power! (chris from the philippines)
Five clove of garlic, crushed and grind, two table spoon better , salt and white pepper to taste, half cup cream, s( half lime juice, optional). saute the garlic in better , make sure it does not burn, add the cream , salt and pepper and run it true blander and add lime juice and then heat it and it is ready. let me know how it turned out Chris.
i searched alot on the internet and i have to say your site is the best !! thank you very much for sharing your gift with us. it would be great to have some more recipes and also some cake and shirini . new year is coming up… i wish you a great one!
ps. gonna try the apple stew this weekend. never had it before… super excited!
Hi Mr Kshar
I just wanted to let you know that i’m so Proud to watch your wonderful Videos, Your Cooking videos are without the doubt the most professional videos i have seen so far.
I can clearly see the love and passion you put towards your productions and for that i would like to sincerley thank you, I do also share the same passion about making the Iranian cousin mainstream one-day…. and hope to teach this great culture of ours to the rest of the World…. Bless You and God Speed
Dear Bahador, thank you for your comment. warping up my new book ( from Persia to Tehrangeles ) is coming out for Norooz, it is not a cook book, for food, it is a cook book for mind. I am trying to show the hospitality, caring and loving part of the Iranian, what we are known for. make sure you get it.
Thank you KShar for your detailed, yet simple explanations of delightful Persian cuisine.
Do you have written recipes anywhere on your site, I haven´t been able to find them.
Hi KShar, your persian cooking show is great but I enjoy to watch you and listen. your positive energy makes me keep going. KShar could you tell me how to make Kask please. Thank you so much .
Thank you so muc h that would be amazing.hopefully one day I will watch you on food network and makes us proud we need a persian chef on national tv. You are the best.
you are kind, Gity khanoom. my book is coming out soon, it is about the generation gap, and its effect on our food and culture. it is to teach each generation how to get along with one another. it is a love letter that i am so proud of. it is my pet project right now. keep it cooking.
salam:)thank you for your great job:)I learned from you a lot and my husband is very happy,because can eating irannian food.Kheili merci again:)I would like to ask you and please you how you make ashe jo,Is it possible that u will show on some video?thank you very much:)YOU ARE THE BEST COOKER IRANIAN.Regards.Gosia
Hi Kshar,
Thank you so much for your lovely videos, i tried a lot of foods with your cooking method and all turned out perfect. After i saw some of your videos, anytime i want to cook something, even if i know how to cook it, i still have to check it on your website with your method :). Thank you very very much, keep the great job
Thank you so much for posting these wonderful videos. I have never once attempted to cook Persian food (and I am half Persian) so to make Ghormeh Sabzi last night was an amazing experience. It was so delicious, thank you so very much, your videos are so great! I have one request, can you please make a video on how to cook authentic Persian Gondi??
Kshar , hello I’m a 47yo woman and used to live in DC surrounded by beautiful Persians and fell in love with the rich culture and food,
I make a mean Bagahli Polo,I love watching your videos, and your passion. loved your tea segment.started watching you in the morning and before I knew it, it was 6pm..you had me glued to the computer..lol ..
a lovely woman from Rasht taught me rashti hooshhall,with maxigeroo.(sorry spel)she would dip her fingers in the bowl and drip the flour mixture from her fingers onto the pan like a pancake ,flip it and put this walnut mixture on it and roll it up.. it was heaven..
keep up your great work I can tell you love what you do.. merci..
I don’t know how difficult is for you to company your cooking art with recipe so we would know how much of everything you are using by measurement each food need. For example how much salt, paper and so on. thanks a lot.
salam Fatemeh khanoom, you have asked me few times for this, the reason i don’t say how much salt or pepper is because people taste is not the same, some like their food salty and some don’t like much salt, and that is why i say salt and pepper to taste. other ingredient i always mention.
Thank you for teaching me how to make khoreshte Geime, koobideh on skewer, jooje kabaab, and Sabzi polo kookoo maahi. I have posted the pics on my facebook page. Also, thank you for your kind and loving words of inspiration that you mentioned in your videos in regards to life and relationships
Hello, I love your youtube videos and websitete! Very motivating. I’m half Iranian although not very in touch with my Persian side. So I’m trying to reconnect somehow by learning farsi and I’m looking to learn how to cook Persian cuisine. Do you have a video of you cooking mirza ghassemi by any chance? It’s my favourite dish!
Mr. Kshar – You are fantiastic. Thank you for all the work you have put into making these videos. I have left Iran 35 years ago and did not know anything about cooking. I started cooking a few years ago and “mastered” making Chelo-Kabab only. Recently, with your help, I have made some dishes that have helped me share Iranian cooking with some of my friends. It has made me pourd of my heritage. Keep up the great work you are doing. Very proud of you.
Thanks for you’re time on all you’re videos they are great and really explains everything needed. my grandad was Persian and he always used too make dishes like you and i always wanted too learn how but sadly hes not with us anymore.. but now with you’re help i can cook like he used too much thanks kshar you are doing a great thing for the younger generation.
You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve read through anything like that before.
So good to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject.
Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!
Thank you so much Mohamad Jon, have been on vacation, and came back home sick, and have been in bed, would be up and running soon, I appreciate your concern.
Hi Kshar,
Thanks for your cooking recipe and your cooking tips,have you ever made HALIM or know how to do it.
Please let me know,i am very interested to know how to make it.
Many Thanks,
Robert i am happy for having you in my kitchen, yes i do and i will do it soon, if i dont get to do it, please let me know and i will email you the recipe. keep it cooking
whoah this weblog is wonderful i really like studying your posts.
Keep up the good work! You recognize, many persons are searching round for this info, you could help them greatly.
I have a Persian boyfriend and I need to seek his mom’s approval for marriage. She said to my boyfriend that I am the type of girl who might not be even able to cook food for him. I love him and his mom so I told myself I will do my best to learn Persian Cooking. I know it won’t be easy but with your website and all your shared knowledge and skills in Persian cooking, I think I should not worry anymore.
I love what you said about, the next time a food will be served to you THINK OF HOW MUCH LOVE and PASSION has been put together so you can have that food served on your table. I will keep that in mind, both when I am eating and cooking.
You are amazing and from today you are now on the list of my most favorite person in the whole world. May God bless you abundantly.
Hello dear Janice, thank you for your kind words, if there is any thing i can do to help you with your cooking please let me know, where do you live? i wish you all the best and hope to hear from you soon. keep it cooking.
Dear Khar,
Quick question if I may: I have 7 different Persian cook books. Persian cook books always say when you make Sir Torshey (Pickled Garlic), you should not skin the individual garlic bulbs. They always tell you to keep the skin on. Please let me know why that is? It makes for messy eating to have to unwrap the skin when it comes time to eat the torshey. Is that because the garlic might become mushy and pastey? Did you ever make sir torshey without the skin? How did it come out after a year or so, if you did wait that long. Thank you so very much.
hi I would like to cook rice like you do but I keep trying and itgoes wrong. this is what I do, 1 cup of rice- 2 cups water boil til bubbles come, drain it and put on a plate… but my rice is too fluffy and and sticks together help please
Greeting me and sister watches your shows online . Actually we are not from Iran but my husband is from Iran so your shows are very helpful.
Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful and delicious recipes.
I am so sorry Dear, as the recipe for doogh, I have put that in my Kabab DVD, which is coming out soon, and can not release that recipe, please for give me. but i will give you Noon Nokhodchi recipe, let me know when you get the cast. mercy aziz
{ 238 comments… read them below or add one }
I have watched your cooking videos . I enjoy cooking a lot too . What you are doing is great . I wish you success and I hope you keep on showing more and more of your cooking . Thank you so much for all your efforts .
ba salam, javad jon, merci, for all your kind words. please keep in touch, as i love to hear from you. I am doing what i love, let me know if you are local, may be i could have you over for a session. keep it cooking my friend.
I would like to commission you to make Sholeh Zard.. I will even pay for it.. (send me the bill)………I tasted it as a child and never forgot the taste.. and haven’t tasted it again in almost 50 years. So if you make it… freeze it and overnight it to me I will prepay all the costs. It would be awesome to taste it the way you will make it. I believe you will make it the best way possible and it will taste out of this world. I see the love you put in to what you do… so it will be unforgettable. I will even video eating it.. LOL! …. The Best.
Fred jon, I do not recommend freezing shole zard, I have not done it before, have you? I think that it will not taste the same after you defrost it. But i will take care of you…………..soon.
Dear Mr. Kshar:
Thank you for wonderful recepies and floral arrengment.I am a very good cook my self and I made your lental with parsly it turn out very well , Instead of rice vinegar I used pomogranet vinegar.
hi, Zizi, pomogranet vinegar is great if you dont mind the sour taste. thank you so much for your comment. keep it cooking.
I really enjoy watching your cooking… can you tell me how to cook Fesenjan??
Best Regard,
You got your wish, didn’t you? enjoy and keep it cooking.
Salam K Shar,
One of my husband Rezas favorite dishes is Bagali Polo. I have made it several times and it can be much improved I think. I just had found recipes online for those prior.
Might you have a video or even just a recipe I can follow for this one please? His other all time MAN favorite is Koobideh. I have tried this and failed each time….
Appreciate your help, be of good cheer! Debra
Hi Debra, Iam going to make sure you get the video for Baghli Polo, seeing you trying to cook all these differennt recipes motivates me so much, and I thank you for that. Now how do you want your baghali polo with lamb, beef or kitchen? I will try to release by the end of next month, we are all set with our weekly releases for few weeks as you know. But you will get it soon my friend. keep it cooking.
Sobh be kheyr K Shar
love the food and love how you show it in videos. Would you please tell me how to prepare khoreshe kangar. I don’t know what to use for Kangar I can’t find it here. I am so glad that you are here because there are so many other recipes I need to ask you how to cook.
Thank you and keep up your fantastic work
thank you Adeleh khanoom. i love kangar my self but i have not been able to find any here in u.s. if i do find it i will let you know. If you still want me to give you the recipe, please let me know. keep it cooking.
ba salam khilee mamnon az ghazhe khobeton khile astefadee kardim merce
merci Azar khanoom, i thank you and hope that i can be of more help to all you . keep it cooking.
Salam KShar,
I was searching the net for adas polo and came across your video. I am since hooked on all your video and recipes. I am new to iranian food but I have learnt to enjoy it very much since I my iranian boyfriend introduced me to it.
Thank you so much. enjoy and keep on cooking.
Hi Kshar.
Thanks for your great videos.could you show how to cook persian kotlett?
thanks a lot.
thank you behy, coming up soon
Hi luck, you are adding too much lamb and not enough onion. I personaly dont add lamb to my kobideh, I do beef, but use meat with a bit more fat. grate the onion, but dont mix the juice with the meat, try it and let me know. we are scheduling the summer events now and toward the mid july we will be cooking out door. Faloodeh and my special summer juices, ice cream and much much more is coming up. stay tuned. merci
salam kshar,
i love your vedeos and how you explain the receipe step by step, i’ve learned alot from your vedeos, i’m learning persian cooking since my husband is persian, and there is this food i can’t find the receipe anywhere, my husband really likes it, it’s kufteh birenji, i hope i wrote that right. i’m wondering if you could make it sometimes. thanks alot and maybe some dessert receipes.
Hello nada , soon, it is a new DVD, traditional persion foods, kofte berenji ,is one of the dishes that I will be teaching in this DVD. I am sure that you among others would be very happy with this DVD. keep it cooking
Dear my friend
Thank you for your great vidios and your artistic fashion. I found lots of similarities with the spiration you have to look to the world with my own. I’m a literature student and doing my PhD in England and love the poetry. I do also love cooking which I have created a little sightation in facebook which you can check. while I was watching your Ash reshte I notice you also make your own Kashk. I do it as well but yet I doesnt taste similar with what I had in Tabriz. normally I cook the thick Dough with a pinch of salt. could you please let me know if you have other type of method in doing so? Thank you again.
With best wishes
Salam, I trully believe that I Had answerd your comment. I was out of the kitchen from June 6 tru July 6, but yours was the only one that i replied to while i was out of the kitchen. I had my staff do every thing to find your comment and I am glad that they could find it. I make the Kashk, by leaving them in some water over night and blend it the next day. Making it from scractch I have never done and I try to keep as simple as I can.
Hi KShar,
thank you so much for your videos, everything is just looking delicious and explanation is great! Being an Iranian myself, have made rice of course many times but yours, was something else. Could you please please make a video on how to make the rice from scratch with potato tahdig for those of us Armenians who can never make rice lol lol! , thanks so much ,will be waiting for your secrets and video. tx again
Thank you Monica, next time i will do it for you , but in the mean while, go to the tahchin video, there i have shown how to cook rice from scratch and i will make sure to do it again, keep it cooking.
Hey man, I like your videos. I’m going to start cooking Persian food. I really like the stews. And it’s really not that complicated. It does take time though, that’s all.
Couple questions:
1) You keep using that red Saffron sauce. What is that? Just water and saffron?
2) I like the complex carbs. What kind of rice are you using. Basmati? Would that taydig rice style work with Brown rice? I like the complex carbs.
I came here through the link in Iranian.com. This is the first time that I realized professional decoration at the level of high ranking restuarants could be applied in Persian food as well. I also like the way that you wear and present yourself though your accent is not a Persian accent, but it’s really attractive.
You have my words!
welcome and i will try to show you more reasons for watching my videos. merci Arash jon.
Salam agha KShar,
esme man Hanna hast va man to Soed zendegi mikonam. Az bachegi tanha boodam va az sale 15 salegi tanha zendegi mikonam, alan 23 salam hast. vali vakhti ke be yade madaram mioftan (motasefane dige baham nist..va hichvakht pedar nadashtam) hamishe dastpokhtesh yadame, va cheghadr ghazash khoshmaze bood. motasefane hitchvakt inja, to Soed, ketabe ashpazie irani peyda nakardam. faghad on ketabha ke be farsi neveshte shodan, va man balad nistam farsi bekhoonam. baram kheili sakhte. vali alan ke shoma ra peyda kardam enghad khoshalam ke faghad khoda midoone! dastetoon vaghan dard nakone!!! dirooz tachin ra dorost kardam va djatoon khali kheili khoshmaze shod! marsi, daston dard nakone. shayad nemidoonin cheghadr vaseye man shoma arzesh darim, ba vojoode in ke aslam nemishnasametoon, vali bekhatere in ke famil nadram vaseye man in safeye internete shome kheili arzesh darad. va har dafe delam baraye madram tang mishavad yeki az ghazahaye shoma dorost mikonam.
omidvaran ke shabe khobi dashtebashin va ozkhai mikonam agar farsim bade, vali omidvaram ke on chizha ke neveshtam motvajebashid.
dastetoon ra miboosam,
// Hanna
salam hanna jon, to ba lotfe khodet be man dele man ra roshan kardi, khahesh mikonam bego agar man kari baraye to mitavanam anjam bedaham. to tanha nisti. man be dostani chon to va amsale to aftekhar mikonam. khahesh mikonam ba man dar tamas bash ke man ra khosh hal khahi kard. to ra mibosam. ghorbane to dokhtaram beram.
Dobare salam agha KShar
cheghadr khoshalam ke djavabam dadin =) aval fekr kardam ke saretoon kheili shologhe va bekhaterin shayad tool bekesheke djavabam bedin. vali mersi vaghan baraye djavabetoon va ke vakht baram gozashtin. mersi ke enghadr mehraboon hastin, bekhoda tanha kari ke mitoonin baram bokonin ine ke hitchvakht in safaro var nadarin! hamishe ba kare khobetoon va ghashangetoon edame bedin. in safe baraye man kheili arzesh darad, bishtar az in ke faghad yek safeye ghaza bashad. in safe baraye man, yek safeye khoshali hast, va ba in safe ehsas mikoonam ke tanha nistam. va omdivaram ke in chizha ra bedoonin.
I will write in English now because I know that my farsi is a bit weak and I really want to get my message to you and what I mean. your side means a lot to me, it’s more than one food side, I feel appreciation and joy for your side and I’m so glad it exists. it has helped me in so many ways, both in cooking and to preserve and maintain my culture. it is a bit hard keeping touch with your own culture when you are alone and have no family because the family is the primary source of culture. but by including your site, I feel that I have made a new connection to the Persian world. and this is what you have given me, and it warms my heart really. I am almost daily here at your side and I have cooked everything you have put out. I look forward to new features and updates from you, I joined your membership yesterday also so this should be really exciting to follow.
again, many thanks for your reply.
bebakhshid agar narahat shodin ke engelisa ra ghati kardam ba farsim, vali faghad khastam ke on chizha ke khastam motvaje beshavid, va bekhatere in ke farsim zaif hast vaseye man rahatar bood ke chanta chizha ra be engelsi benevisam.
bebakhshid ke dobare vakhetoon ra ghereftam, vali az ashnahitoon kheili khoshal shodam
mersi. dastetoon ra miboosam, va omidvaram ke shabe khobi dashtebashin
salam Hanna jon, so good to hear from you again and sorry for a late reply, have been very busy for last few days. Thank you for watching my site and I am so glad to be able to comfort you in any way. I am here and let me know if there is any thing I may do to improve the videos. keep in touch and keep it cooking.
I came across your videos by chance on you tube while searching for a Khoresht Gheymeh recipe. I was exposed to the Iranian culture in my 20’s and experienced some wonderful persian cooking. As I am now in my late 30’s my cravings for some of those wonderful dishes has intensified. I am now starting to gather ingredients so i can make some of these dishes for my wife and family to try. I live in an area of the county that doesnt have any middle eastern stores for shopping. Do you have any suggestions for shopping for supplies online? I am gonna try Khoresht Gheymeh this weekend and Khoresht Karafs and Ghormeh Sabzi soon after. The one thing i really miss is Torshi (mixed vegtable) do you have recipe for this or a video? Also Mint Sharbat. I love your presentations and overall love of the food that you make…it really comes thru in your videos.
Thank you cmn, I will ask my staff to release the torshi video soon, and i will also show you how to make mint sharbat. keep watching so you and I can keep it cooking.
salam kashar jan khaste nabashin khile mamnon az zahamati ke mikeshin man vaghean asheghe ashpazi kardane shoma hastaam faghat 1 khahesh azaton daram mishe lotf konin .tarze taheyea chand ghazayea rejimi va salem ro be ma neshon bedin man khodam va khile az dostam ke varzeshkar hastim vaghean asheghe ashpazi shoma hastim vali che heyf be khatere roghan va namake ziyad nemitonim en ghazaharo ziyad dorost konim .khile azaton sepasgozaram.
Ba kamal mail Sadaf jon, hatman in kar ra baraye shoma khaham kard. merci az lotfe shoma nesbat be khodam.
I love how your so organized in your cooking. Thanks for sharing!
I am defenitly going to try some of your recepies.
Thank you Sohila khanoom, let me know what you think, keep it cooking.
Hello Kshar, really enjoy your videos, thank you for taking the time and preparation of these colorful and garnished meals. Could you include soup and salad recipes as well?
All the best
Dear Lana, I will do that. we are coming out with DVDs, soon, one in particular just soup and salad, is that ok for you? Please let me know, thanks.
Just wanted to thank you for your fine and excellent effort. You have done a fantastic job here and I hope you go from strength to strength.
Keep it up and thank you.
Thank you so much for your comment. Keep it cooking
!???? ? ??? ????
.?? ???? ??? ??? ???
!???? ?????
Only english (latin)alpa bet comes up on my web. sorry yours did not. thank you
Thanx for your amazing vedio about noon o panir ,,, I am so happy to follow your way In cook because it’s fantastic and really professional way. Wish you good luck and we are always waiting your new ,,
Thank you so much dear Fatimah I am sure you will enjoy the videos. Please let me know if you have any question.
Could you Please teach us how to make ” makaranee” or persian spaghetti.
Thank you as always.
I will , for sure. how do you like makaranee, thin or thick pasta?
dorood, the way you love cooking is just so adorable;
I was gonna ask you if u can teach some easy, though delicious recipes in your videos, since I’m a student and don’t have much time to spend on cooking LOLOL.
By the way I should say I’m a bit more professional in making kabab koobidehh ;-)…but I will try your recipe this weekend. I couldn’t find any shishlik and bakhtiari kababs in this page, can you put videos for the as welll. Appreciate in advance. and dar payan vaghean mamnoooonam ke in page ro ijad kardin,
Shad va salem bashid <3
Amir jon, I have not done shishlik and bakhtiari, I bet you are a amazing cook your self. let me know please, Most of the dishes i teach are under an hour. if you dont like to cook. I will show you a way to overcome that. how about it? tell me what you like the most. what is the main ingredient you like to use in cooking ? meat (what kine) veggie (what kind) may be I can put something together for you.Thank you my friend. keep it cooking. hahaha
Fabulous website. I love Persian food and this looks a great place to improve my skills..
In your video ‘noon va panir’ you add herbs to the feta cheese and walnut mixture. What herbs are these?
You must forgive but I am not Persian so I am not familiar with everything that you know.
THANK YOU DEAR AMANDA , for checking my site. good to have you. The herbs are taregon, mint, dill . By the way this site was made for you and friends like you, let me know if there is any thing i can do for you. keep it cooking.
Hi, How about Reshte polo, I remember my mother used to make it when I was young.
Thank you in advance
Salam kshar-jaan,
having a persian colleague, I’ve visited Iran last march for the first time. Overwhelmed by the friendlyness of the open minded iranian people we learnt to love the persian food. Back in Germany for now two days we try to keep alive the feeling by cooking persian dishes – like your chicken tahchin. And it turned out to look and taste brilliant. My wife and me love to watch your videos – your gentle way of talking, the exact description of ingredients and preparing the food and your exquisite presentation – kheili kheili mamnoon for all of that. I write this over a glass of tea and some gaz we took with us from Esfahan :-)) . By the way: do you know how to make gaz? Is it possible to prepare this at home??
Shab bekheir,
How nice to read your comment Matthias jon. So glad that you enjoyed you trip to Iran . Yes sir it is possible but hard, I will try to get together a good receipe of mine for gaz for you. do you like the one with alamond or pastichios. keep it cooking and keep in touch my friend. shab bekheir.
The gaz with almonds is my favourite. Thank you for your answer and I am looking forward to prepare some home-made gaz.
Matthias jon, I did look over all my recipes, askeded around and there was no recipes that I could show you or teach you to make gaz at home. I am so sorry , will bring you one when i go to Iran. lol. I wanted so bad to do this for you.
kshar jaan,
thank you for your effort. Please do not think about it any more – we will have enough gaz next time in Tehran. You made our experiments with persian cuisine turn out to be so successful and delicious – we have to thank you very very much. It is nice to read so many positive comments about your work on these pages – hopefully this will make you go on creating many more videos.
Merci for all,
Would you consider demonstrating a dish called “Lamb Mughlai?” It’s my understanding that it is an Indian (South Asian) recipie that was inspired in part by Persian and Turkic chefs living in India during their Mughal period. I know that almonds are used to make the sauce.
If there is a Persian version (a khoresh?) of this recipie, that might be fun to learn about and to compare with the South Asian version.
I thank you.
I thank you.
Just a note to say that in addition to “Lamb Mughlai” there is a dish called “Shahi Korma.” Are these the same recipe?
I thank you again.
Stacy, dear you are one of the kind. These dishe is from different tribes,from south of Iran and have changed through generations, each tribes do their own version and call it differently. My version is like this, I wrap the leg of lamb with a thin layer of lambs breast and roast it in the oven or over open fire. I cook date and roasted chop walnuts and almonds with honey to top the lamb with, This is a very complicated process and i also some times add some pomorante juice to the mixture. This dish is rich in fat and suger and also taste.
You are great! i love watching your cooking video, as a Thai with Iranian husband you’ve made my life easier to cook for my husband. Please keep going i am waiting for more video’
Thank you so much dear Nantana, your comment made me feel so good, merci (ask your husband what it means).
Dear Kshar
I can speak a little of Persian and i have been to Iran so no need to ask
Merci and thank you so much Dear Nantana, keep in touch, please give my regards to family
Hi Dear Kshar,
My wife just cooked Baghali polo from your instructions and it turned out real good. We loved it. We want to thank you from bottom of our hearts for your effort and the valuable work that you do for Iranian (and also other nations) community. Good luck and wish you real success.
Shayan jon, you have a special place in my heart, I have learned froom you and truly love to hear from you. please give my regards to your wife and tell her that i appreciate you both.
Salam k shar jan how are you doing,K shar jan are you a proffesional chef or do you just do this for fun.and by the way your show has taught me many great recipes
salam Samem jon, this is my way of giving back. I try to do it professionally and I am not working as a chef out side my kitchen. Keep it cooking
I loveeeee this site. Omg thank you so much!! Is it possible to show how to make salade Oliveh please??
Thank you!
I will promise you that i will have my staff to realease that video. we are booked through the hollidays but will do it soon. my salad oliveh is to die for. keep it cooking Ghazaleh jon.
Hi. I am not a good cook as it is not a long time I started cooking Persian. I made FESENJUN based on your video and I confess that it was the same as my mom.
Thanks for your hard work. I wish we could have a famous persian restaurant here in Milan too.
P.S: I would like to know about ABGOOSHT receipt too.
Rayhane Tabrizi
salam Rayhane jon, merci and glad to be of help. soon keep it cooking.
Hi kshar jan can you please do a video on iranian bread please?
Daryoush jon, I dont do bread yet. may be some day . Is there any thing else I can do for you?
Oh okay thats alright kshar, By the way kshar can you do a ideo on iranian berian
Daryoush jon, what do you mean? Please explain so I can respond. Thank you much
If it’s the “berian” I’ve heard of, it’s a dish special to Esfahan. It has meat that is ground multiple times (some people use beef or lamb leg, plus lung meat, but I could never handle the lung part). I believe cinnamon is added to the mix also. Once the meat is ground and cooked, you serve it in fresh hot bread like a wrap on sandwich. I watched my husband and his friends make it one time, and I saw a couple restaurants in Esfahan that serve it. Sorry I couldn’t be more specific on the recipe!
Dear Kshar,
Can you provide us with some more seafood recipe esp. Shrimp!
Thanks a lot
Salam Shayan jon, I will do couple recipe for shrimp soon, just please give me some time . I have a lot on my plate as a chef may say. LoL
thank you very much,
good luck
Thank you I will keep cooking and you keep watching. my friend. keep in touch
hello. really you make me hungrt with all your reciept couking. i like this kind of food. i will try them. thanks alot. god bless you.
God bless us all, thank you so much and keep cooking daoudizian aziz ( means dear) I also teach persion LOL.
Salam sir,
Thank you so much for putting up lovely recipes.It’s hard to find food like this in the country but you saved me and i can learn to cook on my own thanks to you!
Thank you Hussain jon, love doing it, keep it cooking
Tah-chi Polo
KShar, I really like your videos, thanks for doing this. My mom used to make Tah-chin polo with Saffron, yogurt and chicken. I tried it once and turned out soggy! I’d appreciate if you can post how to make Tah-chin with chicken. Thanks
Please go and click on tah chin it is right there, and you are going to love it.
Dear Kshar,
Dorood bar to va in hame zahmat va saligheh. vagheaan lezat mibaram ke inghadr samimaneh va ghashang barnameharo ejra miokoni. faghat agar ghabool koni va eshkali nadare yek pishnahad dashtam. agar baazi az karha ghablan anjam beshe masalan dar pokhte fesenjoon mishe gerdooharo ghablan khord koni va ya berenjha ghablan shoste beshe zamne barnameha kotahtar mishe va mishe dar zamane kamtar barnamehaye bishtari ro did. baz ham mamnoon khaste nabashi.
Aria jon, salam, thank you so much for your heart warming comment. Aziz,most of the friends who watch my videos want me to show how every thing is done, they are mostly non iranian, westerner and second or third generation iranian who do know much about cooking persion food and will email me later, i have tones of email from them asking for every thing in detail. I know it would be better if they were shorter, but i am trying to give what they want me to do. please tell me what you think. merci azizam
Salam kshar jan, how are you doing, hope everything is good, by the way kshar jan can you do a video on morge mosama :), ok thank you jan bye bye
Cyrus jon, what part of Iran are you from? what do you mean, mosama, is either with bademjon, or kado, that is why i asked where you are from so i can do it right. Are you talking about the stew or by it self. give me a little more information so i can give you the right recipe. Thank you so much Cyrus, wish you a very happy 2012.
Kshar jan i am not from iran my parents were from there,but no it is chicken and it it called morghe which dtands for chicken mosama it has a walnut sauce ok kshar jan thank you very much
Hi Cyrus jan, this is from south of Iran, now i know what you are talking about and i will do it. thank you again.
Kshar jan thank you very much, and aare you going to put it on youtube? if so please tell me ok thanks bye bye
Salam dear Kshar. I Love the way u cook and present the food. i was just wondering can u make iranian sweets aswell????
Thank u.
Good afternoon Kshar

I have watched most of your videos on youtube and I really like your food, I tried some of them and its so delicious
I have a small request:
I have been to Iran for 1 month and I have been in to some many people house for dinner/lunch, ALL of them they used to serve a thick tomato sauce with the rice as a side dish and it was so lovely, could you please tell me how do you cook that and what are the ingredients
Thannks alot
Dear Suzan, when were you in iran? if it was summer time and that is when eggplant are in season and it could have been eggplant stew. we do not serve just tomato sauce with rice. if you give me more idea of what else was in it, may be i can help you. Thank you for coming to my kitchen and keep it cooking. Merci!!!
I made Ghormeh Sabzi today. Since visiting your website and realising how easy it can be to cook Iranian dishes, I decided to make it once a week. I want to make the big Kooftehs. I think they are called Koofteh Sabzi, my daughter says it’s Koofteh Berenji. I don’t know, maybe they are both different!
Thank You
Salam Fazilat jon, it is kofteh berenji, and some people call it Kofteh sabzi, it is the same thing and i will be showing it soon. thank you
Hi KShar, in the video where you cook Khoresht Gheymeh, you use for the potatos liquid saffron? Never seen liquid saffron before only “powdery” saffron. Might be a stupid question but I moved out recently and now I have to do my own cookings and I prefer Iranian dishes. Thank you for all the videos, manage to do pretty nice tahdig with your help. Keep up the good work!
salam Arvin jan, powder saffron is mixed with hot water at ratio of one to five. five being the water, gives you liquid saffron. Thank you for your comment and keep it up. keep it cooking.
How long can you keep the liquid saffron in the fridge (or do you keep it room temperature)? It looks like you use a small glass jar with a lid.
Yes, it has to be covered, one week is the most i keep it in ref.
I live in Australia, I am so very happy to find you! You’ve made my dishes testier and prettier, Thank you for all your beautiful videos! Please keep it cooking
Thank you Mernosh khanoom, keep creating
Salam Kshar and thank you for all your cooking! It remained me the days almost 70 years ago when for several years I lived in Iran (Pahlevi, Resht, Gorgan, Teheran) with my parents… In looking some of your videos, I hoped to see how you cook a rice pilaf and make this delicious crust. Unfortunately, I could not find it. It was the most delicious meal – a serving of a pilaf with a piece of a crust on top… By the way, how do you call it in Farci – the rice pilaf and its crust?
Thanks again for a delicious site!
Thank you and so nice to get your comment. polo (rice) and tah-dig (crust). please note that rice pilaf is different than regular rice or basmati rice that i or we iranian make. please let me know if there is any thing i can help you with. I have a new DVD coming out soon that will show you different way to make rice with crust or tah-dig I should say. keep it cooking
salam Kshar jan,and thank you for all the job and love you invest in your work and foods.I enjoy very much watching you cooking. I am also interested to see how you do your khoresh Aaloo.
thank you and best regards
salam Reza joon, you want it with chicken or beef or meatballs, I will do it gladly, but I need to tell you that I am so busy with valentine and Norooz right now,of and i am also releasing a new DVD for Norooz, in spit of all that i will do my best, just tell me which one you want. keep it cooking my friend.
Thank you very much Kshar for responding my comment. I like it more with chicken and a will be happy to see how you do it but i respect and understand the job your doing for Valentine and for your DVD and wish you luck . just take your time and for sure i can wait till you have time for my wish.
Thank you for your understanding of my situation Reza jon, keep it cooking my friend.
KShar jon, your poetry is tranquil. Thank you for your insight in both life and cooking, I am an avid follower.
Would you happen where best place to purchase ingredients online would be?
Mahyar jon, there are some store on line . It depends on your where a bouts, if could not find it please let me know and I will buy what you need and will ship it to you. No worries my friend. Thank you for your kind words. keep it cooking. (in kitchen and in heart).
Dear KShar,….Thanks million for giving us steps by steps the best explanation of how to prepare so delicious Persian food…. I just love it and enjoy it at all the time…You are so good !!! Once I prepared Fasenjun from a book’s recipe, honestly there is no comparison between yours recipe and which I made from the book…. Yours recipe is wonderful, very good flavor and looks so beautiful…!!! I would like, one day you show us how to make Luxury Persian Rice for special celebrations, also from which part of Iran it comes this recipe….Best regards
Thank you so much, in My next DVD that is coming out in April, I teach how to cook rice. difference way from basic to Luxury, Please make sure you get the DVD, it will be very helpful, it is very detail and complete.
Hi Kshar,
I would like to know if you have posted your recipe on Persian food? If so, I have not been able to find it on your website.
I appreciate your help.
Hi David, Not yet,Please give us so time as we are working on it. In the mean while every thing is on kshar.net.
Salam Mr. KShar!
Do you already have a recipe for zereshk polo? Can you also show me how to make the chicken that goes with the zereshk polo? My favorite drink growing up was doogh and I loved eating lettuce with sekanjabin. Do you have those recipes??
Merci aziz!
Hello, are you related to justine Mayahi ? sekanjabin, is on the site, Doogh is coming up soon, and in the same video I show how to boil the kitchen.
Nope, I have no relation to her. But I can’t wait for the doogh video! One more request…can you show me how to make Nan-e Nokhochi?
Khayli Mamnoon Kshar
Ok my friend. let me know if you want your doogh with gas or with out and also do you have the ( ghalb ) cast, for non-e-nokhodchi?
I dont have the cast but I can get it. I like my doogh plain.
Thank you!
Good Day Mr. KShar,
Today while searching in Google recipes of persian food, I found your website by chance and some of your videos I’ve watched I just loved them a lot. I must say that it’s very rare nowadays to find somebody who loves to share with other people without asking something in return. Watching your video is like watching a dear friend who shares his knowledge with you. I really appreciated it !!
Do you have by any chance a step-by-step video which teaches how to cook rice with tahdig in a real iranian way? And if possible with ordinary rice? As I am living in Brazil we unfortunately don’t have the facility to find good quality rice as for example Basmati or iranian rice.
I thank you in advance and wish you all the best and lots of success in your path.
Sincerely yours
Walter R Monadjemi
I have already responded to this , but thank you so much for your kind words. please keep in touch.
Love your videos! Thank you very much!!!
Thank you so much
What a nice site !
I was brought up in Iran and I love the food.
I enjoy watching your videos as I can sense in them and your dedication the kindness and friendliness of a country I remember fondly.
Brigitte (from France)
Thank you so much Brigitte, so good to have you on my VIP list.
Salam agha Kshar,
you inspired me so much with your designs, thoughts and styles.
I’m a 24yrs old single leaving in Australia. I die for persian food as I was grew up there. I watched a few of your cooking videos and got up my chair and cooked a Kotlet which took me around 2.5hrs. But gotta say it was good. The way you instruct is very clear and easy to follow.
Id like to say what you are doing is great. Everyone should appreciate the time and effort you putting in this… I can understand that keeping up is not easy.
Glad to see still people are around who really care for our culture and more importantly for its future. You are definitely doing your part. I will be sharing this with all my young friends who dont know how to cook. Hopefully , we all can make a difference.
Dear Farzad. Thank you so much for your comment. I am trying and that is the best I can do and I appreciate it when friends like you motivate me. keep it cooking.
Hello Kshar !
First !…..what you are showing people is amazing ! Not just the food,but the philosophy of ” doing with what you have and making life something you can appreciate because you are creative with what you DO have ! ” Such a wonderful lesson to those who are younger !
Second: I would love some of the long shirts you wear, what are they called ? Tunics?
Where might I find something like that ?
Third: Thank you for exampling to others such wonderful taste and finesse as you cook ! Its a wonderful model for others. Its how you illustrate to present things so they are pretty, how you clean up as you go, and also illustrating how to pay attention to details, so that everything turns out right, not over cooked, not burned, etc. Its showing how to ” take care ” rather than being ” care less.”
Such a great model ! Thanks ! You are a guy with true class !
Thank you so much Dear Meg. it is so wonderful to open my email and see one like yours. First and foremost, thank you for paying so much attention to detail like my cleaning and talking and etc. I respect the people who watch my videos and i make sure my action show that. Long long time a, I bought these two shirts from a store in California named I.Magnine. It has gone out of business since then.
I love your website. I was wondering if you know how to make morabaye Balang
wow, Thank you Amir jon, my DVD on Morab in coming out next month, have done all kinds of MOraba, but not Balang, it was not the season, morabay angor, anar and etc. keep it cooking.
About Kabab Koobideh comment too long for youtube.
“Salam, Hi i will write this in english because it will be easier to understand. I want to share a secret on a technique i use. The differens it will make in taste and handling and even in the looks is HUGHE! Ok here it goes, when youve finished mixing all of the ingredients in the ground beef and lamb you should heat up a teflon pan on the stove to very very low temperature. So low that you can hold your hand on it without burning yourself but. Ithen put in a chunk of your kabab mixture and massage it in the medium hot pan until it starts to change color from red to dark brown. If the pan gets to hot then lift it off the stove. You will now already smell the wonderful kabab smell. Just remember. While doing this, the pan should not be too hot otherwise it will coock the meat. You still want the meat to be raw. Doing this will heat up the tiny fat depos inside the grounded meat and while massaging it in the pan , everything will mix and blend evenly. Doing this have many benefits, 1 preparing the ground beef on the skewer or sikh will be like a dream. 2 the kabab will never fall off and will coock evenly without getting those typically holes on it while coocking. 3 The kabab will smell and taste like the best Iranian kabab in the world, it will just be so professional and out of this world. This technique is pretty advanced, it is a familiy secret and will take some practise to learn. Oh and one more thing. When your done with the ground beef after the heting n the pan. Put it in the fridge for a hour or 2. The fats will become solid and and making the actual kababs on he sikh will be a childs play. Cheers!”
Hi Kshar,
My name is Letizzia (from Australia) I am Italian and married to Iranian Karaj man for 12 years we have best relationship. I have beautiful family in Iran and I have been there 4 times and I love all the food and culture and also brought back some nice traditional items including instruments.
I am learning how to cook thanks to your u-tube videos last week I made subzi and Kookoo and it came out fantastic. I also love your advice and the way you present yourself your presentation is very clear and good to understand.
When I went last time to Iran my partner’s aunty made stuffed olives with pomegranate but I forgot to ask her for the receipe. I would like to know if it’s possible for you to do a video on stuffed olives with pomegranates.
One day I will learn farsi but I do know some words and understand basic conversation. I think if you put a video for learning farsi I will learn very quickly because your teaching method is fantastic.
I hope to hear from you soon and God bless you Kshar.
Dear Kshar,
Very often when I watch your nice videos you have a little bottle where you have prepared a mixture of saffron.
Which quantity of saffron and water do you use do make an adequate mixture ?
Thanks in advance
All the best to you
P.S. : By the way I purchased your DVD of how to cook rice and appreciated it a lot. Looking forward to getting your next DVD.
Hi Walter,
In the DVD that you ordered, I go into how to prepare that mixture in great detail. There is a section dedicated just to that. Enjoy it
Dear Walter, sorry for the late reply was out of the country for more cooking research. I have a section on rice DVD, just explaining how to make saffron water. If it is not clear, let me know I am at your service..by the way, my next DVD is coming out and it is a Kabob DVD, I also have an event on the web, Sunday at 2 p.m. love to have you join us. Thank you Walter.
salam aghaye kshar.
I want to tanks you for helping people how to cook. the first time I saw your video how to make bageli polo . I am learning day by day from your video. thank you so much
you are most welcome
Salam! I love your cooking lessons. I’ve definitely done a lot more Persian cooking after finding you and my family is happy about it. So thank you!
Also I wanted to ask you if there is such a thing as torshie aloo. I’ve got a lot of aloo from my in-law’s garden and don’t know what to do with them. Also How to make torshie albaloo.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Nikki, if you get my torshi DVD, you can make any kind of torshi that you want. go to my product page and get it now, you will be happy you did.
Hi Kshar! i’m a Filipino (Philippines) and i love Persian food and i loved it even more especially when i saw your videos on how to cook Persian dishes (with so much passion). i’d love to and i hope i can cook one of those dishes but it’s very hard to find all the ingredients here.
Anyway, continue to inspire us and we’ll be waiting for more videos from your site!
Thank You!
It is a small world, Stayne, thank you so much for your support and please stay with me, I promise to make a good cook out of you. keep it cooking.
Wish u would bring Persian cooking to Bangalore India
The best cuisine one could dream of
Internet is taking me every where,, and I appreciate your comment. Keep it cooking
Because I live in Iran I cant see the videos.
But im so curious about it! I come from europe and moved to here. It would be so nice to learn to cook iranian foods! Is there a way that I can see videos or read the recepies??
IF you wish you can go and order DVDs and it would be mailed to you. I am sorry that you can not watch the videos.
Salam Agha Kshar,
I just found your website yesterday, and I have really enjoyed seeing your tips and methods. I’ve already watched about 6-7 videos. I’ve been married to a wonderful man from Esfahan for 11 years, and have traveled to Iran many times. I know how to make rice/tadeeg and most of the basic dishes, but they have always been “good” rather than “super.” Well, thanks to you, my rice and tadeeg were “super” today! I look forward to incorporating your tricks into my next batches of ghormeh sabzi and fesenjoon. And I can’t wait to try lettuce tadeeg. I appreciate that you often give us “choices” in certain steps, rather than being rigid with the recipes. Thank you so much for your sharing! Best wishes…
You are most welcome and i thank you for watching my videos
Dear KShar
I saw your fantastic YouTube video about koko sibsamini!
I’m cooking for thirty years but your methode fascinated me.
I tried it. it turns out exact ly as you did.
Thanks for sharing!
Cheers, Rezi from Canada
Glad to hear it. Keep it cooking.
kheyli saee kardid va khode maani bood . kheyli khoob bood . ta-shakkor. movaffaq baashid.
Az shoma mamnoonam
KShar jan salam va tahniat bar shoma,
I am craving Halva! I looked around and found a recipe or two on the Internet, however, after I made it,it did not come out as smooth and silky as I remembered it. Please, any ideas?
salam Cia jon, I have halva, on my traditional DVD, check it out and try it sorry, because it is on DVD, can not put the recipe out. keep it cooking.
Do you have any idea how can we peel the skin of garlic clove easily? thanks.
the way i do it. is i crush it first and the skin off.
salam kshar khan
mishe lotfan yek video baraye dorost kardan Kaleh Pache dorost konid?
never thought there will be a demand for that, i will make sure to do it. keep it cooking.
We Love Your cooking and we post a link of your website to The largest Iranian business directory and single matching in the world.
Keep up your hard work
Thank you for the support. I am doing a book, fantastic book about Persian culture merging with modern culture. It is coming out in time for Norooz, I am giving it to organizations FREE to give to their supporter just for the cost of shipping. Let me know if you are interested.
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I think you wrote in farsi, and my site does not register that. sorry
Hope you are doing well, I have a question about saffron, your saffron is kind of red, can I ask how you make it, the one that I made is yellow even though I mixed it with hot water and let it sit for half an hour.
I have replied to your message before, too much water, or your saffron is no good.
Hi KShar,
I came across ur website while searching for ghormeh sabzii and since then i loved every cooking video recipes, It’s great what you are doing and I wish you all the best.
Also is it possible to teach me Ash o Mast and how to make torshi please.
Many Thanks and good luck!
Welcome to my kitchen, Torshi, i have a DVD out which i show all kinds of torshi, please go to the product page, view it and see if you like to buy it. it is a complete DVD with good content. I am sorry that i can not give the recipe as it would not be fair to all those people who bought the DVD. As for Ashe Mast I will try to locate it on the site and will send it to you. Keep it cooking.
Thanks a lot, I will visit the product page for sure as I am new in your site,and many thanks for reply,cant wait for more recipes of persian cooking,they are nice indeed,regards from London,Best of luck!
thank you my friend keep it cooking.
Dear kshar, with regards, I am mother of three left Iran @ age twenty. I have been here for thirty seven years , I am not a good cook, I am thankful to you to show us step by step your great Iranian cooking. Beacause of you my children and Friends think I am a good cook. Hush…………. They do not know I learn it from you! Thanks AGAIN and again, god bless
Thank you so much Farideh khanoom. My pleasure, it is not because of me, it is because of you that you are where you are and who you are. Thank you for leaning on me and thank god for putting me on your path and blessing me with your trust. Keep it cooking and please keep in touch.
i would like a the most basic recipe on how to make garlic sauce for kebobs and shawarma, the most basic ingredients and the steps how to prepare it. it would really help if you could show us how to cook it as well. Thank you sir and more power! (chris from the philippines)
Five clove of garlic, crushed and grind, two table spoon better , salt and white pepper to taste, half cup cream, s( half lime juice, optional). saute the garlic in better , make sure it does not burn, add the cream , salt and pepper and run it true blander and add lime juice and then heat it and it is ready. let me know how it turned out Chris.
i searched alot on the internet and i have to say your site is the best !! thank you very much for sharing your gift with us. it would be great to have some more recipes and also some cake and shirini . new year is coming up… i wish you a great one!
ps. gonna try the apple stew this weekend. never had it before… super excited!
My new DVD for MORABA is coming out next week. Thank you for caring, I love sharing. keep it cooking.
Hi Mr Kshar
I just wanted to let you know that i’m so Proud to watch your wonderful Videos, Your Cooking videos are without the doubt the most professional videos i have seen so far.
I can clearly see the love and passion you put towards your productions and for that i would like to sincerley thank you, I do also share the same passion about making the Iranian cousin mainstream one-day…. and hope to teach this great culture of ours to the rest of the World…. Bless You and God Speed
Dear Bahador, thank you for your comment. warping up my new book ( from Persia to Tehrangeles ) is coming out for Norooz, it is not a cook book, for food, it is a cook book for mind. I am trying to show the hospitality, caring and loving part of the Iranian, what we are known for. make sure you get it.
Thank you KShar for your detailed, yet simple explanations of delightful Persian cuisine.
Do you have written recipes anywhere on your site, I haven´t been able to find them.
I am in the process of putting out an e-book. Thank you my friend.
Can you please show us how to make soupeJo. There seems to be a lot of recipes I would like one with lemon and barley. Thanks
i will do it soon. for sure.
Hi KShar, your persian cooking show is great but I enjoy to watch you and listen. your positive energy makes me keep going. KShar could you tell me how to make Kask please. Thank you so much .
this is a complicated process. but will put it on the site soon.
Thank you so muc h that would be amazing.hopefully one day I will watch you on food network and makes us proud we need a persian chef on national tv. You are the best.
you are kind, Gity khanoom. my book is coming out soon, it is about the generation gap, and its effect on our food and culture. it is to teach each generation how to get along with one another. it is a love letter that i am so proud of. it is my pet project right now. keep it cooking.
salam:)thank you for your great job:)I learned from you a lot and my husband is very happy,because can eating irannian food.Kheili merci again:)I would like to ask you and please you how you make ashe jo,Is it possible that u will show on some video?thank you very much:)YOU ARE THE BEST COOKER IRANIAN.Regards.Gosia
thank you Gasia jon, ok i will
Hi Kshar,
Thank you so much for your lovely videos, i tried a lot of foods with your cooking method and all turned out perfect. After i saw some of your videos, anytime i want to cook something, even if i know how to cook it, i still have to check it on your website with your method :). Thank you very very much, keep the great job
thank you so much Parisa jon, i am glad that you are using my site, that means a lot to me. keep it cooking
Thank you so much for posting these wonderful videos. I have never once attempted to cook Persian food (and I am half Persian) so to make Ghormeh Sabzi last night was an amazing experience. It was so delicious, thank you so very much, your videos are so great! I have one request, can you please make a video on how to cook authentic Persian Gondi??
With warm wishes,
salam, hello, let me know a few of your choice food you want.
Kshar , hello I’m a 47yo woman and used to live in DC surrounded by beautiful Persians and fell in love with the rich culture and food,
I make a mean Bagahli Polo,I love watching your videos, and your passion. loved your tea segment.started watching you in the morning and before I knew it, it was 6pm..you had me glued to the computer..lol ..
a lovely woman from Rasht taught me rashti hooshhall,with maxigeroo.(sorry spel)she would dip her fingers in the bowl and drip the flour mixture from her fingers onto the pan like a pancake ,flip it and put this walnut mixture on it and roll it up.. it was heaven..
keep up your great work I can tell you love what you do.. merci..
Wow,love to hear that, thank you for your kindness, keep it cooking
I don’t know how difficult is for you to company your cooking art with recipe so we would know how much of everything you are using by measurement each food need. For example how much salt, paper and so on. thanks a lot.
salam Fatemeh khanoom, you have asked me few times for this, the reason i don’t say how much salt or pepper is because people taste is not the same, some like their food salty and some don’t like much salt, and that is why i say salt and pepper to taste. other ingredient i always mention.
Thank you for teaching me how to make khoreshte Geime, koobideh on skewer, jooje kabaab, and Sabzi polo kookoo maahi. I have posted the pics on my facebook page. Also, thank you for your kind and loving words of inspiration that you mentioned in your videos in regards to life and relationships
Thank you so much Mehdi jon, I appreciate your kindness. keep it cooking
Hello, I love your youtube videos and websitete! Very motivating. I’m half Iranian although not very in touch with my Persian side. So I’m trying to reconnect somehow by learning farsi and I’m looking to learn how to cook Persian cuisine. Do you have a video of you cooking mirza ghassemi by any chance? It’s my favourite dish!
No i don’t, but will try to do one as soon as i get a chance.
I love you brother. God bless you
from Portland, OR
Mercy Mehdi jon. keep in touch. tell me about yourself.
Mr. Kshar – You are fantiastic. Thank you for all the work you have put into making these videos. I have left Iran 35 years ago and did not know anything about cooking. I started cooking a few years ago and “mastered” making Chelo-Kabab only. Recently, with your help, I have made some dishes that have helped me share Iranian cooking with some of my friends. It has made me pourd of my heritage. Keep up the great work you are doing. Very proud of you.
Thank you for your kind words, and so glad to have you in my kitchen. keep it cooking
Hello kshar
Thanks for you’re time on all you’re videos they are great and really explains everything needed. my grandad was Persian and he always used too make dishes like you and i always wanted too learn how but sadly hes not with us anymore.. but now with you’re help i can cook like he used too much thanks kshar you are doing a great thing for the younger generation.
This mean a lot to me Dear D. thank you very much
Thanks love your site. would you please let me know how to make kookoo sabzi. Thanks
please go and click on sabzi polo mahi, and there i show how to make kookoo sabzi
KShar jan, thank you for the wonderful videos. It is really great to watch and you are certainly a very talented cook!
I was wondering if you knew how to make Akbar Mashti? Are you able to make a video about this too?
yes babak jon, will do it by summer.
You are so awesome! I don’t think I’ve read through anything like that before.
So good to discover another person with original thoughts on this subject.
Seriously.. thank you for starting this up. This web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, someone with a little originality!
It is always so great to feel some one is liking what you do. I thank you for giving me that feeling. Keep it cooking.
Dear sir, your food is the best thank you so much for teaching me
it is my pleasure, and you are most welcome. keep it cooking
Hello Kshar Jan
It is a long time you have not posted anything. Are you ok? your hand is better now?
Thank you so much Mohamad Jon, have been on vacation, and came back home sick, and have been in bed, would be up and running soon, I appreciate your concern.
Hello Kshar Jan
Glad you are ok. Sorry for your sickness. I hope you have had a nice vacation. Looking forward to see your amazing posts.
Thank you azizam, soon
Hi Kshar,
Thanks for your cooking recipe and your cooking tips,have you ever made HALIM or know how to do it.
Please let me know,i am very interested to know how to make it.
Many Thanks,
Robert i am happy for having you in my kitchen, yes i do and i will do it soon, if i dont get to do it, please let me know and i will email you the recipe. keep it cooking
whoah this weblog is wonderful i really like studying your posts.
Keep up the good work! You recognize, many persons are searching round for this info, you could help them greatly.
I appreciate your kind words. keep it cooking
Dear KShar,
I have a Persian boyfriend and I need to seek his mom’s approval for marriage. She said to my boyfriend that I am the type of girl who might not be even able to cook food for him. I love him and his mom so I told myself I will do my best to learn Persian Cooking. I know it won’t be easy but with your website and all your shared knowledge and skills in Persian cooking, I think I should not worry anymore.
I love what you said about, the next time a food will be served to you THINK OF HOW MUCH LOVE and PASSION has been put together so you can have that food served on your table. I will keep that in mind, both when I am eating and cooking.
You are amazing and from today you are now on the list of my most favorite person in the whole world. May God bless you abundantly.
Best Regards,
Hello dear Janice, thank you for your kind words, if there is any thing i can do to help you with your cooking please let me know, where do you live? i wish you all the best and hope to hear from you soon. keep it cooking.
Dear Khar,
Quick question if I may: I have 7 different Persian cook books. Persian cook books always say when you make Sir Torshey (Pickled Garlic), you should not skin the individual garlic bulbs. They always tell you to keep the skin on. Please let me know why that is? It makes for messy eating to have to unwrap the skin when it comes time to eat the torshey. Is that because the garlic might become mushy and pastey? Did you ever make sir torshey without the skin? How did it come out after a year or so, if you did wait that long. Thank you so very much.
hi I would like to cook rice like you do but I keep trying and itgoes wrong. this is what I do, 1 cup of rice- 2 cups water boil til bubbles come, drain it and put on a plate… but my rice is too fluffy and and sticks together help please
Your style is very unique compared to other folks I have read stuff from.
Thank you for posting when you have the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this blog.
Greeting me and sister watches your shows online . Actually we are not from Iran but my husband is from Iran so your shows are very helpful.
Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful and delicious recipes.
Hi dear Kshar
Would you please show us how to make khorake mahicheh thank you in advance
Thank you Matthias jon, for all your support. my best to you and your lovely wife. keep in touch.
I am so sorry Dear, as the recipe for doogh, I have put that in my Kabab DVD, which is coming out soon, and can not release that recipe, please for give me. but i will give you Noon Nokhodchi recipe, let me know when you get the cast. mercy aziz