Sabzi Polo Mahi is a dish that is made for celebrations; specifically, Norouz. And Kookoo Sabzi is just another awesome Persian Dish that goes well with Sabzi Polo.
I also have some good relationship advice for you in this video. Don’t miss it!
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I wished I could invite myself over for dinner, everything looks so good!
where do you live?
Dear Kashar
I LOVE your videos !!
My husband is Iranian and I am trying to cook for him Sabzi Polo Mahi & Kookoo Sabzi
Could you please email me the ingredients so we could print the list out and take it to the store?
I hope this is not so much trouble
I cooked Ghorme sabzi out of your video nobody could believe that I did it myself!!!!
Lots of love
Nada xxxx
That is great. here we go,
Parsley, green onion, cilantro, dill, these are the herb you need, if you use dried herb would be much better for beginners, use half a cup of each for 3 cups of uncooked rice. at least use dried dill and parsley, and use cilantro and green onion fresh. 3 green onions, use the whole thing, 2 bunch or cilantro. go for it and please let me know.
Hi KShar,
This looks lovely and I can not wait to try it.
I really want you to cook baghali ghatogh, a dish from Rashtt with dill and green beans and eggs on top. I love it and I tried to make it but did not turn out good.
hope you will do it soon.
Thank you,
Hi Gehan jon, may be wanted to add more than it needs. LoL will do it soon, keep in touch and keep it cooking
Great. Can’t wait. Thanks
salam Gehan jon, Are you the same Gehan who has been on my Vip list for some time? If yes, good to hear from you and if you just joined us, good to have you on board.
Ooooh, I second the request for baghali ghatogh, if only for memories of time spent at the Caspian Sea, but it is truly a delicious dish. Will look forward to this one.
Thanks KShar
for sure, my friend, give me some time and i will do it.
Mr. Kshar thank you for showing all your great foods i love them i get cook a few an my husband love it by the way he is iranian and i’m from mexico. teri
Kshar jan man ke mordam az negah kardan.
merci aziz
Nago aziz, taze avaleshe
Salam Mr Kshar , I was wondering if you could have the written text on your site of everything you make so us unfortunate people who have a slow internet can learn by reading the exact things you teach on your videos.?
A video clip of ten minutes takes about an hour to show the whole film!
Thanking you in advance.
Salam Agha Kshar
Agha Damet garm babate video ha , they are wonderful! mano khanomam kheili az ghazahato doros mikonim va lezat mibarim
be tamamie dostamonam recommend mikonim. Agha ye khahesh, momkene tarze tahie ghazahaye jonobi ro ham bezarin? masalan Ghalieh Mahi tond…..Haminjor ghazahaye hendiii fek konam kheiliiii top bashan. . .
Bazam mer30 and Thanks a lot!
Merci azizam, chashm, be roye chashme
Damet garm agha Kshar. Thanks again! Hope to see more of your videos . .
merci, Mohamad agha. mamnoonam
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