I love cooking Persian food, but there is no one to teach me how in our city, in Japan. I found your website and you are a life saver!
Not sure if you are interested, but why don’t you make a DVD on Persian dishes and sell it on the net?
Thanks again for your recepies and keep uploading new dishes, please
Thank you so much Mr.Kshar for your great videos, they are so helpful especially for me (non iranian) who married Iranian. After I watched your cook videos, I can say I have confident to cook persian food for any one especially for my mother in law :D,,, please keep what are you doing and be sure you have fans who always are waiting your new videos.
Wish you good luck in all your life inshallah.
Hi dear Kshar,
I just learn a great deal everytime I watch your video clips. I am getting married next year (2012) in March and I would like to hire you as our wedding chef. Money is no problem, we are willing to book you a flight back and forth from where ever you are. Let me know if you are interested.I put my email. By the way, we are in Texas.
Kshar jan Salam
I live in Spain, and have recently came across your videos, you have a greate spirit, and since you are my countryman, I can appreciate you even more,
I would like to invite you to Spain, from the bottom of my heart my house is your house, I know you are busy,nevertheless it would be greate to have you here and enjoy your company.
Regards, Arjang
Thank you Arjang jon, it is kind of you, this is the first time that I have received and email from you and I hope it will not be the last, I appreciate your kind words and your invitation. Even though that I am very busy, this means a lot to me. Which part of Spain you live in, I have been in Barcelona and loved it. Keep in touch and you will never know what the future brings.
My best,
Merci az vaghti ke gozashtin va che ba lezzat aashpazi mikonin. Be gholeh khodetoon sadeh vali hameh mataleb ro cover kardin. Man linke websitetoono be bishtareh doostaam ferestadam. Bazam tashakor
Dear Mr Kshar,
I came across your videos on youtube.
You are an amazing person first and a great cook. Every night I look at some of your videos to get inspired. Keep up the good work and more deco ideas please.
All the best to you and yours !
Alison from Germany
Hi Kshar
Love your video on to make dill rice. I will try it out today. I ate it at a Persian Restaurant in Clearwater, Florida and since then I have dreamed of making it. Your video was most helpful. I see your passion for good food and I appreciate it.
I am interested in the glass tea cups. Where can I buy them from and what are they called?
I could not find them in Target or Walmart so I am wondering if there is another place for them. I love Persian tea at the restaurant.
Thanks Rima
Dear Rima, international markets should have them. I bought mine from Persian market and i brought from Iran. I have some small ones that i have for sale. please go and look at my tea ceremony video and tell me. these are the traditional kind not the one they serve tea in restaurant they come in half a dozen with plate that goes under it. they are call ( estekan nalbeky ),
Dear Mr.KShar I love watching your videos. I am a Mexican girl married to a afghan man. Your video inspired me on cooking Persian food. I seen your videos but I haven’t found the video on how you make your saffron. I will like to see how it’s done. Thank you for helping me on making my family Persian food with your help. May Allah bless your talent always and brings you many success in life khudafiz.
Thanks Noemi
dear mr kshar could you please tell the best way to mix saffron and should i use powder or fresh i want to use it to pour over rice like baghali polo thank you for your time
Dear Mr Ksahr,
We are in the process of starting a food blog.
We would appreciate some tips from you.
Where can we find some copyright free images that are food related.
As always we love and enjoy your videos!!! Please more on decorating
All the best!!!
Good Luck dear Alison, all the images on my site are mine and from the beginning I did not wanted to use anybody,s work but mine, so i never looked for one. Thank you so much for your comment, be happy to help you in any way I can. I wish I could have been more help.
Hi Kshar ,how are you? I support you and your job, I like your job it is amazing and best chief in my life you are one off them! God bless you and we love you , you are angle man! Keep your smile , sorry best thing for me , you are extremely clean And calm , that’s made you best for me, you are great likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for Kshar like rose flower.nice to introduce you , have a great time.
Thanks mr. Kshar , I’m not from Iran any way, I like to ask you about meat and mince,I always cook it but it still too smelly . Can you give me some notice please. Thank you , with love. I sent you message from fb same question .
I left you a message some times ago, that was to boil the meat for ten min. rinse it and put it back in the pot and add water, and spices, in my privous email i asked you how you want to cook it which i got no answer.
Mr. Kshar,
I love your videos, I have almost finished watching your videos. I am looking forward to buying some of your products like advieh,etc… I was wondering if you could incorporate tofu into some of your persian dishes since i love tofu and it is so good for you( i am not a vegeterian). but i like to have tofu in a persian dish.
btw, what part of the country do you live in? just curious to see if you have live demonstrations…
thank you ,
Noosheen B.
Hello, thanks for the well done job. It would be much better if you add a name for each slide AND perhaps by clicking each slide it directly goes to its details (how to cook/prepare.) It might be hard but it definitely and highly attracts viewers. Yo are talented.
Hello Mr. Kshar,
I am from Brazil and married to an Iranian.We love watching your videos with lovely recipes and actually we made quite few!Please could you post some more recipes of Persian desserts?
Hello Kshar thank you very much for sharing all your recipes… i am not aware if you already have a video teaching how to cook ash e anar… but i would like to learn how to make a good ash e anar. Last time i found a recipe, but i think i got lost at some point and my ash e anar was may TOOOO SOOOUUURRR……
Hello Mr. KShar, I have just discovered your videos on youTube, I have gone through so many in just two days. I am fascinated with the way you cook. I am hispanic who married an Iranian man 32 yrs. ago. I love persian food. I would like to ask you about saffron, I see you have it ready in a bottle and use it from there, What are the measurements of water and saffron and how long can you keep it in the bottle. Does it go bad if you don”t use it all at once? Please tell me how much do your dvd’s cost, I would like to purchase some from you. Thank you so much for teaching us and bringing to us the great taste of persian cuisine into our kitchens.
thank you so much Maria, saffron water is powder saffron with hot water , ratio one saffron to ten water. thank you for your interest in my DVDs the prices are on the product page. they are different prices, normally 47 dollar plus 10 dollar for shipping. if you buy more than one DVD you only pay for one shipping. keep it cooking and keep in touch.
Dear Kshar I did find you today and watch your few video about different kind of iranian food and i really enjoy the way you teaching how to cook Persian cousin. i hope you make more video. do you have any cook book or DVD to buy. if yes please tell me how to buy them thank you again chef.
Hi dear KShar,
Thank you for your lovely web site with great Persian cookery lessons as well as many other interesting subjects such as poetry and etc.
I was looking at your beautifully and uniquely presented pictures of different dishes prepared in your kitchen by yourself.
At first I must say well done for such a talent and congratulate you again for your great passion in cookery, poetry, design and perhaps many other area and subjects that are not covered in your web site.
Then, if you allow me, I would like to suggest the following for the ease of access of your site visitors:
1. To provide the name and a brief description for each of the dishes pictured in your photo album.
2. To provide the link attached to each dish of your photo album that will guide the viewer to the video you are giving instruction for cooking the pictured dish.
I am sure you do already have this in your mind but it is just a matter of time for it to be finalised.
Last but not least, I do remember lots of occasion from my childhood back home that the cook had lost her ring in the food and how was it found later in the dish or mouth of the eater ……. Therefore, I have learned to remove my ring, watch and even bracelet or any other accessory before I start cooking.
Ba dorood, I do thank you in advance allowing me to share my childhood experience as well as suggesting my view points.
Dear Kshar,
I take great inspiration from your videos. I am english lady married to a Persian man and hope to one day be able to cook all his favourite dishes. So far I have mastered kotlets (which are my favourites) and baklava.
Slowly and with your help I will learn them all and impress him…..and the in-laws!
Dear Laura, so great to hear from you, i wish you all the best and i will do anything to help you impress my ( hamvatan ) your persian man, keep it cooking, kshar
Dear Kshar,
Hope all is well with you!
We are just wondering where you are and why there isn’t new things, videos from you!
All the best wishes,
I just discovered your videos n YouTube and can’t wait to get started cooking Persian food. I need one more thing from you first, the beautiful music you have playing in the background of your video for kotlets.
{ 73 comments… read them below or add one }
tank youuuu youu are veryyyy goodddddd
Merci Sadaf khanoom, what a beautiful name. keep in touch and keep it cooking.
OOOO my god you ar very talented
Hi Kshar–Thank you for all the great videos! Can you make a mushroom dish? And if ever in the NY area my husand and I would love to meet you!
Hi Dawn, mushroom with meat or other veggies? I have number of mushroom dish. Will start realesing them. Thank you and keep it cooking.
Hello Dawn, how do you like all the mushroom dishes that I made for you I hope they were helpful. Keep it cooking
Hi K shar-
LOVED the mushroom dishes! Thank you!
It was for you, i always try to keep my promise.
Any kind you make is great!
Ok, i will see what i can do for you Dawn.
I love cooking Persian food, but there is no one to teach me how in our city, in Japan. I found your website and you are a life saver!
Not sure if you are interested, but why don’t you make a DVD on Persian dishes and sell it on the net?
Thanks again for your recepies and keep uploading new dishes, please
Steven , we are in the process, I am so glad that I can be of help. thank you for your support and please keep in touch.
Thank you so much Mr.Kshar for your great videos, they are so helpful especially for me (non iranian) who married Iranian. After I watched your cook videos, I can say I have confident to cook persian food for any one especially for my mother in law :D,,, please keep what are you doing and be sure you have fans who always are waiting your new videos.
Wish you good luck in all your life inshallah.
Thank you Fatimah, khanoom, for your supprot. and I will keep cooking if you do the same.
soooooooooooooooooo nice and sooooooooooooooo helpful…daste shoma dard nakoneh jenab kshar 😉
wow …perfect!!!!
GOOD JOB!! I like all aspect of what you did.thanks for sharing…all the best..
Thank you somayeh jon, thank you
I m studing Culinary Arts in Malaysia..here is my page what i do as my portfolio.
I like you page Somayeh jon, good job
Hi dear Kshar,
I just learn a great deal everytime I watch your video clips. I am getting married next year (2012) in March and I would like to hire you as our wedding chef. Money is no problem, we are willing to book you a flight back and forth from where ever you are. Let me know if you are interested.I put my email. By the way, we are in Texas.
Salam Andy jon, i just emailed you my reply to your comment, please let me know when it reaches you. thank you and keep it cooking
Kshar jan Salam
I live in Spain, and have recently came across your videos, you have a greate spirit, and since you are my countryman, I can appreciate you even more,
I would like to invite you to Spain, from the bottom of my heart my house is your house, I know you are busy,nevertheless it would be greate to have you here and enjoy your company.
Regards, Arjang
Thank you Arjang jon, it is kind of you, this is the first time that I have received and email from you and I hope it will not be the last, I appreciate your kind words and your invitation. Even though that I am very busy, this means a lot to me. Which part of Spain you live in, I have been in Barcelona and loved it. Keep in touch and you will never know what the future brings.
My best,
KShar jan salam
I live in Alicante, Spain. I thank you again, for your lovely videos. I really enjoy
Them . Regards. Arjang
Mercy, Arjang jon, keep it touch, glad to be of help. keep it cooking
Merci az vaghti ke gozashtin va che ba lezzat aashpazi mikonin. Be gholeh khodetoon sadeh vali hameh mataleb ro cover kardin. Man linke websitetoono be bishtareh doostaam ferestadam. Bazam tashakor
Merci Parisa khanoom aziz.
Thank you for your amazing food. I would like to know what brand rice you are useing for persian food?
basmati, aho bareh, pari, either one, thank you
I do my best so you can have a party in your mouth.
Dear Mr Kshar,
I came across your videos on youtube.
You are an amazing person first and a great cook. Every night I look at some of your videos to get inspired. Keep up the good work and more deco ideas please.
All the best to you and yours
Alison from Germany
Thank you Dear Alison for your kind words. For sure, I will do that.
Hi Kshar
Love your video on to make dill rice. I will try it out today. I ate it at a Persian Restaurant in Clearwater, Florida and since then I have dreamed of making it. Your video was most helpful. I see your passion for good food and I appreciate it.
I am interested in the glass tea cups. Where can I buy them from and what are they called?
I could not find them in Target or Walmart so I am wondering if there is another place for them. I love Persian tea at the restaurant.
Thanks Rima
Dear Rima, international markets should have them. I bought mine from Persian market and i brought from Iran. I have some small ones that i have for sale. please go and look at my tea ceremony video and tell me. these are the traditional kind not the one they serve tea in restaurant they come in half a dozen with plate that goes under it. they are call ( estekan nalbeky ),
Dear Mr.KShar I love watching your videos. I am a Mexican girl married to a afghan man. Your video inspired me on cooking Persian food. I seen your videos but I haven’t found the video on how you make your saffron. I will like to see how it’s done. Thank you for helping me on making my family Persian food with your help. May Allah bless your talent always and brings you many success in life khudafiz.
Thanks Noemi
Thank you, please click on any polo recipe and i show how to make that in detail, if you had any problem please let me know. keep it cooking
dear mr kshar could you please tell the best way to mix saffron and should i use powder or fresh i want to use it to pour over rice like baghali polo thank you for your time
You mix powder saffron with hot water one portion to ten portion of hot water , let it sit for 15 min. Thank you much
Dear Mr Ksahr,
We are in the process of starting a food blog.
We would appreciate some tips from you.
Where can we find some copyright free images that are food related.
As always we love and enjoy your videos!!! Please more on decorating
All the best!!!
Good Luck dear Alison, all the images on my site are mine and from the beginning I did not wanted to use anybody,s work but mine, so i never looked for one. Thank you so much for your comment, be happy to help you in any way I can. I wish I could have been more help.
Hi Kshar ,how are you? I support you and your job, I like your job it is amazing and best chief in my life you are one off them! God bless you and we love you , you are angle man! Keep your smile , sorry best thing for me , you are extremely clean And calm , that’s made you best for me, you are great likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for Kshar like rose flower.nice to introduce you , have a great time.
Thank you , what a nice comment, mercy Darya khanoom.
Thanks mr. Kshar , I’m not from Iran any way, I like to ask you about meat and mince,I always cook it but it still too smelly . Can you give me some notice please. Thank you , with love. I sent you message from fb same question .
I left you a message some times ago, that was to boil the meat for ten min. rinse it and put it back in the pot and add water, and spices, in my privous email i asked you how you want to cook it which i got no answer.
Yes,I got it ,thanks so much:).
i love eat food from differ countries and also cook a lil when need i can make indian food and trying for persian simple food
beautiful Kavi, try all my recipe one at a time and let me know if you need help
Mr. Kshar,
I love your videos, I have almost finished watching your videos. I am looking forward to buying some of your products like advieh,etc… I was wondering if you could incorporate tofu into some of your persian dishes since i love tofu and it is so good for you( i am not a vegeterian). but i like to have tofu in a persian dish.
btw, what part of the country do you live in? just curious to see if you have live demonstrations…
thank you ,
Noosheen B.
Hello, Noosheen khanoom, i live in California. and thank you for watching. will think about how to incorporate tofu in Persian dishes.
Nice cooking
I wish if you could make nazoki same one i had in 40 years ago when i was in iran
The one i buy here does not have the same taste
will do it in future.
Hello, thanks for the well done job. It would be much better if you add a name for each slide AND perhaps by clicking each slide it directly goes to its details (how to cook/prepare.) It might be hard but it definitely and highly attracts viewers. Yo are talented.
Thank you very much for your comment and suggestion sir.
Hello Mr. Kshar,
I am from Brazil and married to an Iranian.We love watching your videos with lovely recipes and actually we made quite few!Please could you post some more recipes of Persian desserts?
Kind Regards
Ok my friend, will do, and thank you for being on my site. keep it cooking.
Hello Kshar thank you very much for sharing all your recipes… i am not aware if you already have a video teaching how to cook ash e anar… but i would like to learn how to make a good ash e anar. Last time i found a recipe, but i think i got lost at some point and my ash e anar was may TOOOO SOOOUUURRR……
cook it with fresh anar juice, don’t cook it with anar paste.
Hello Mr. KShar, I have just discovered your videos on youTube, I have gone through so many in just two days. I am fascinated with the way you cook. I am hispanic who married an Iranian man 32 yrs. ago. I love persian food. I would like to ask you about saffron, I see you have it ready in a bottle and use it from there, What are the measurements of water and saffron and how long can you keep it in the bottle. Does it go bad if you don”t use it all at once? Please tell me how much do your dvd’s cost, I would like to purchase some from you. Thank you so much for teaching us and bringing to us the great taste of persian cuisine into our kitchens.
thank you so much Maria, saffron water is powder saffron with hot water , ratio one saffron to ten water. thank you for your interest in my DVDs the prices are on the product page. they are different prices, normally 47 dollar plus 10 dollar for shipping. if you buy more than one DVD you only pay for one shipping. keep it cooking and keep in touch.
Dear Kshar I did find you today and watch your few video about different kind of iranian food and i really enjoy the way you teaching how to cook Persian cousin. i hope you make more video. do you have any cook book or DVD to buy. if yes please tell me how to buy them thank you again chef.
please go to the product page, and see if there is any thing you like. thank you Masoud jon
Can you label the foods in the picture?
I will do that from now on, thank you
Hi dear KShar,
Thank you for your lovely web site with great Persian cookery lessons as well as many other interesting subjects such as poetry and etc.
I was looking at your beautifully and uniquely presented pictures of different dishes prepared in your kitchen by yourself.
At first I must say well done for such a talent and congratulate you again for your great passion in cookery, poetry, design and perhaps many other area and subjects that are not covered in your web site.
Then, if you allow me, I would like to suggest the following for the ease of access of your site visitors:
1. To provide the name and a brief description for each of the dishes pictured in your photo album.
2. To provide the link attached to each dish of your photo album that will guide the viewer to the video you are giving instruction for cooking the pictured dish.
I am sure you do already have this in your mind but it is just a matter of time for it to be finalised.
Last but not least, I do remember lots of occasion from my childhood back home that the cook had lost her ring in the food and how was it found later in the dish or mouth of the eater ……. Therefore, I have learned to remove my ring, watch and even bracelet or any other accessory before I start cooking.
Ba dorood, I do thank you in advance allowing me to share my childhood experience as well as suggesting my view points.
Best Regards,
London. UK.
I did reply to your email Fardi jon. keep in touch
Dear Kshar,
I take great inspiration from your videos. I am english lady married to a Persian man and hope to one day be able to cook all his favourite dishes. So far I have mastered kotlets (which are my favourites) and baklava.
Slowly and with your help I will learn them all and impress him…..and the in-laws!
Dear Laura, so great to hear from you, i wish you all the best and i will do anything to help you impress my ( hamvatan ) your persian man, keep it cooking, kshar
Hi kshar. Would love to see your version of osh reshte. Thanks for doing what you do. Much love.
Do the DVDs provide step by step instruction? Am interested in the rice one
Dear Kshar,
Hope all is well with you!
We are just wondering where you are and why there isn’t new things, videos from you!
All the best wishes,
Here is the newest video Kshar just recorded: Polo Shirazi
I hope you enjoy it.
Dear Kshar,
I just discovered your videos n YouTube and can’t wait to get started cooking Persian food. I need one more thing from you first, the beautiful music you have playing in the background of your video for kotlets.