Del va Jegar (Chicken Heart & Liver)

by on June 22, 2011

Del va Jegar is a Persian food delicacy that is loved by most Iranian and others. Watch the videos to learn how to get it just right. . KShar makes this look so easy. You can make this dish surprisingly quick and easy. Try it!



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Jamak June 22, 2011 at 4:34 pm

As always, looks outstanding. I think I live hearts more :)

KShar July 4, 2011 at 3:57 pm

dear sir, good to hear from you. there is more love in the heart.

Monica June 22, 2011 at 5:23 pm

very nice, my mom always made it for me, but she never rolled it in bread crumbs, I will definitely try this myself, thanks as always KShar!

lena June 22, 2011 at 6:07 pm

this looks soooooooo good. Thanks Kshar!

Steven Hojjati September 4, 2011 at 11:18 am

I made this dish . My Japanese wife who hates chicken liver could eat this and to my surprise, she loved it. I added cuming powder as you mentioned and also added cumin seeds and squeezed a little lime juice on it before serving. It tasted great!
Thanks again for your wonderful recipe and brining joy and Persian taste to our home!

KShar September 5, 2011 at 5:19 am

Thank you Steven jon, I want you to know that I love being there for you. All my best to you and your lovely family. Keep it cooking

Robert October 5, 2012 at 9:50 pm

Dear KShar, I am an Armenian from Iran and I remember a version of this recipe made by our family, we Armenians called it ‘tzhvzhik’ or in Farsi ‘Jaghurbaghur’, only, we usually use lamb liver, heart and I think lung along with kidney, again with tomato paste and lots of thinly sliced onions and lots and lots of green herbs (sabzi) like coriander and parsley (I think even tarragon…)… a wonderful dish anyway, whatever you decide to call it! it is also delicious when wrapped in lavash ;)) anyway, warm Armenian greetings to you and keep up the good work, your way of cooking is really inspiring (and mouth watering at the same time!). Pirouz bashid, Khodavande motaal barekat bede!

KShar October 6, 2012 at 3:13 am

Hi Robert, i love it and was going to do it , but thought Americans may not like to see it. tell me about your self, where you live. it seems that you have full command of Farsi language. keep it touch and keep it cooking.

Robert October 6, 2012 at 9:21 pm

Hi KShar, thank you very much for your reply! yes, you’re right! offal in general, heads, brains, giblets are things Westerners are not used to see on their menus, let alone to eat! I have been living here in the Netherlands for many many years now (more than 30), I work as an Armenian interpreter and translator and I really enjoy cooking in my spare time… one of my new years resolutions was to start cooking fresh meals more often and to use less ready made stuff, your videos keep me moving in the proper direction, for that matter! for which man besiar sepasgozaram… ba arezuye behtarinha baraye shoma, omidvaram hamvare mara ba videohayetan khoshhal konid, khoda negahdar!

KShar October 7, 2012 at 2:38 am

Thank you Robert jon, for letting me in. One of the many things that I love about this new path of mine is the chance I have to get to know people which has help me tremendously to grow and it is such a beautiful journey I may add. The beauty of life depends so much on who crosses your path and what we make of it. Thank you Robert and lets keep it cooking. Bar gharar bashi Hamishe …… kojast onja ke gol par par nemishe ?

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