Roast with Mushroom Sauce

by on July 21, 2011

Getting the roast just right is not an easy task but you can do it. The videos on this page show you step by step how to prepare and present roast with mushroom sauce. Check out the videos and comment with any questions. or just leave a comment and let me know how much you like roast :)




here are some photos of the final product for you…

Don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family. Love to read your comments and how yours turned out.

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zizi July 21, 2011 at 9:01 am

Salam Mr. Kshar,
Do I have to use the chuck roast or is there another kind of lean meat that I can use?
Thank you for such a wonderful recipe.

KShar July 23, 2011 at 4:03 am

salam zizi khanoom, yes you have to use chuck roast, you have to use kind of a meat that has some fat, lean meat would be too dry.

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